Independence Day of Seychelles

The first Europeans who attended this region became Portuguese sailors from the expedition of Vasco da Gama in 1502. However, the first people among Europeans who settled down on this archipelago became English people. In their turn, the first settlements have been founded by French people in 1756. Then, the islands got their name by the name of Moreau de Séchelles, the ministry of finances of France.
In 1794, Seychelles was occupied by Great Britain, and in 1814, they were officially recognized by British settlements according to Paris contract. In 1840, they became a part of British colony Mauritius; in 1903, Seychelles appeared to be the separated royal colony of Great Britain.
In June, 1976, Great Britain provided Seychelles with independence. The independent state Republic Seychelles was announced.
Because of the features of historical development, Seychelles is multinational state where French and African mulattos, white, black people, Arabians, Chinese, and Indians live.