Статьи  >  The theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking died

The theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking died

Автор: 16.03.2018
British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking died at the age of 76 years.

The scientist died early Wednesday morning at his home in Cambridge. The scientist, who spent most of his life in a wheelchair, is widely known as a popularizer of science, in recent years has paid much attention to such problems of humankind as global warming, the state of the environment and social inequality.

Condolences were expressed by the American scientist in the area of computer science Andrew Ng. He noted that people should strive to live the same full life as Hawking. He quoted a physicist saying: "I'm not afraid of death, but I do not hurry to die." There's so much more I need to do".
When Hawking was 22 years old, he was diagnosed with "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis". Doctors believed that he had to live two or three years. However, their predictions were not justified: the scientist continued his scientific work, married twice and became the father of three children.
In 1998, he published a book "A Brief History of Time," which sold ten million copies. It talks about the appearance of the universe, the nature of space and time, black holes and the theory of superstrings.

Even being completely paralyzed, Hawking led an active life, particularly, he was engaged in science, taught people, delivered reports, communicating with the world through a computer speech synthesizer.

In 2015, the British film "The Universe of Stephen Hawking" was released.

According to the materials of

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