Статьи  >  In India the highest statue in the history of humanity will appear

In India the highest statue in the history of humanity will appear

Автор: 20.04.2018
In India the statue will have been finished soon. It will become the highest in the whole history of sculpture. The record statue embodies the image of fighter for independence, leader of Indian national congress and one of the authors of Constitution of the country Vallabhai Patel.

The grandious monument will reach 182 meters in height that is 54 meters higher than the statue of Buddha in Chinese province Henan that is put forward now. The statue of Liberty or "Motherland is calling!" seem little in comparison with giant Patel, as they are 93 or 85 meters relatively. The destroyed Colossus Rhodi that is enlisted among the wonders of the world was only 36 meters.

To producethe statue in honor of national Indian hero 5700 tons of steel are used, 18500 tons of iron armour, 75000 cubes of concrete, and 22500 tons of bronze paper.

Totally, the monument will cost approximtely € 260 million. The building is funded in a form of private national partnership, and not only financial transfers but also scrap metal are accepted for the enterprises.

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi is convinced that the statue is able to attract travellers in the state Gujarat where it is situated. In general, such a monument willpromote international reputation of India.

According to the materials of

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