Статьи  >  The King of Swaziland changed name of the country

The King of Swaziland changed name of the country

Автор: 23.04.2018
Mswati III announced the change of name during the celebration of the Independence Day.

King Swaziland Mswati III renamed the country to the Kingdom of eSwatini (Kingdom of eSwatini) to celebrate the 50th anniversary of independence from British rule.

eSwatini in Swati means Swazi's place, the name of a small state between South Africa and Mozambique. Unlike some countries, Swaziland did not change its name after gaining independence in 1968. Before that, the country had been under the British protectorate for more than 60 years.

King Mswati III announced the change of name during the celebration of the Independence Day at the sports stadium in Manzini.

According to materials of

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