Cinema in Nigerian style
For most people Nigeria is known as a country with huge oil reserves and permanent economic and political problems. At the same time, few people outside Africa know about the powerful film industry of this country, the scale and pace of which are nothing short of incredible. We have engrossed in this subject and tried to understand what a Nollywood is.
17.11.2020 | cinema, Africa, Nigeria
The twenty-first will be their century: The most dynamically developing cities of the planet
It may be difficult to believe it now, but in a few decades, such important and advanced global cities as New York, London or Tokyo will not play such a significant role as they do today. OUTLOOK, armed with the latest analytical data and forecasts, would like to tell our readers about fastest-changing cities that have all chances to become world centres very soon.
17.08.2020 | USA, Vietnam, Ireland, Nigeria, Chile
Not Just Oil and Tourism: Safari from African Employers
There are many options in the world that a person can master. North America has given a boost to startups and the banking sector, Asia - to high technology, Europe - to medicine ... And let's find out what do people do on the sunniest continent in the world?
Kano: Nigeria's oldest city
You had enough of boring and predictable touristy destinations, but you are not ready to dive headlong into dangerous adventures in the wild jungle? If yes, go to Nigeria! This civilized African region is amazing, but not frightening. In addition, it is a home to Nollywood - the biggest movies factory, to which even Hollywood is the second. Today we will tell you about Kano, the oldest city in Nigeria.
14.01.2019 | Africa, Nigeria
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