Статьи  >  At the bottom of Mediterranean Sea ancient treasure-trove of Fatimids has been found

At the bottom of Mediterranean Sea ancient treasure-trove of Fatimids has been found

Автор: 23.02.2015 | Palestine
Divers sounded near Caesarea harbor that is northward of ruins of ancient Caesarea Palaestinae (modern Israel) have found nearly two thousand gold coins of Fatimids epoch (909-1171 AD). The agency Anadolu reports about that.

The weight of gold treasure compounds nine kilos. The first coin has been found out at the depth of twelve meters. The oldest one among obtained coins is a quarter of dinar stroked at the mint in Palermo (Sicily) in the second half of the 9-th century AD.

Most coins belonged to the caliph Al-Hakim (996-1021 AD) and his son Al-Zahir (1021-1036 AD) and were minted in Egypt and Northern Africa.

The coins related to Eastern Muslim dynasty have not been found that is why scientists confidently claim that it is treasure of Fatimids.

Fatimids is the dynasty of Muslim caliphs governed in Fatimid caliphate from 909 to 1171 AD. Fatimids thought themselves as the offspring of Ali ibn Abi Talib and daughter of Prophet Mohammed Fatima (the name originates from here).

Fatimid caliphate includes Western coastal part of the modern Saudi Arabia, the whole Northern Africa, as well as Palestine within the territory of which the ancient city Caesarea is situated. 

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