Статьи  >  Kekri Day in Finland

Kekri Day in Finland

Автор: 04.11.2017
According to the ancient Finnish religion and national calendar of Finland, Kekri is the holiday dedicated to the end of all the agricultural works and time when the cows are taken to the cowsheds for a winter stand. Kekri is the period when autumn is replaced with the winter.

Initially the holiday was celebrated on the 29-th of September in the Day of Saint archangel Michael (Michaelmas / Saint Michael the Archangel), however, later it moved to the 1-st of November, All Saints’ Day. Also in several areas Kekri is celebrated on the first Saturday of November.

It was considered that during Kekri which mentioned the period from old and new year, the spirits of the gone ancestors return and visit their have-been houses. Consequently, alive people commemorate those who passed away. That day people expect the spirits of ancestors to try the food and beverage, sauna is prepared, and those who left this world are called as ‘saints’. Mainly, this is a family holiday; however, in several regions of Finland the celebration includes the dressing of ship by village chief.

Also, Finnish people with such a unique word are meaning ‘the last’ (for example, the last leave on the tree or the last unmarried daughter) and ‘the first’ (for instance, the first spring rain or the first grandson). Kekri is the beginning which means the end of anything and the finish after which something starts.

Apart from that, Kekri is the holiday itself because it is the day of performances and presentations of all the programs which are going to be shown in front of the public in the days of Christmas holidays

According to the materials: Cа

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