Статьи  >  New Zealanders collected $1.5 million to buy out the beach of private property

New Zealanders collected $1.5 million to buy out the beach of private property

Автор: 10.03.2016 | New Zealand
In New Zealand with the help of crowdfunding people collected money to buy he beach. As BBC News reports, this is about the beach Awaroa with the square of seven hectares which belongs to the businessman Michael Spackman.

Nearly forty thousand people have collected in total 2.3 million of New Zealander dollars (1.5 million dollars USA) for three weeks. It is marked that the part of money came from the governmental structures of the country. After the contract beach will become a part of national park Abel Tasman near which t is situated.

The idea of purchase came into mind of citizens when they decide that the beach should not be empty but must be available for the public.

The edition reports that anonymous businessman and philanthropist expressed the willingness to pay the deficient amount to buy the beach in exchange for the exclusive access for him and his family. His proposal was declined.

Earlier in February the travel service Trip Advisor defined the best beaches of the world. The first place has gone to the beach Grace Bay with turquoise water and crisp white sand located at one of the islands of the archipelago Terks and Caicos in Atlantic Ocean. 

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