In the desert Abu Dhabi the ecological hotel will be built
Hotel complex called Oasis Eco Resort will stay in the area Liwa, not far away from Abu Dhabi, as Daily Mail reports. The hotel will have 86 luxury suits, pool, gym, spa; moreover, the guests will be able to have a rest outside where there is a beautiful view on the sandy дюны.
Besides that, the creators of the project confirm that the hotel is to become the most eco-friendly one in the world. Around its perimeter the солнечные панели will be established with the total square of more than 14.5 thousand square meters. As well, the system of water recycling will be set up, and for the watering of the huge garden in the inner garden the water will be taken from the underground sources.
As the author of project Baharash Baherian tells, Oasis Eco Resort will help not only to pay attention to the harmful influence of hotels on the ecology but also prove that it is possible to create a highly comfortable place of rest without the usage of exhaustible resources.