Статьи  >  Summer Carnival in Rotterdam

Summer Carnival in Rotterdam

Автор: 12.07.2014 | Netherlands, Carnival
Summer Carnival is the most colorful and tropical party of the Netherlands - it is amazing days of sunshine, warmth and cultural traditions.

The festival will start traditionally with election of the Queen, and then further fun: beach party with cocktails, dancing and live music. Then there will be battle of drummers for the grand prize of a few thousand euros.

The holiday ends with costume parade and a large Latin American party in the streets: Summer Carnival is similar to Carnival in Rio, it is a huge event attended by at least 900 000 visitors from all over Europe who come to dance to Latin music rhythms and watch colorful and amazing costumes and artfully decorated platform. On Saturday a large street parade goes to the city center. At night one can continue having fun by watching what is happening on two big stages, so Brazilian style party can be celebrated until the morning.

This great festival began many years ago as a parade with the participation of small ethnic groups of immigrants from Cape Verde, the Antilles and Suriname.

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