Статьи  >  The Opera del Duomo and the Museum of Mercy can be visited using the only ticket

The Opera del Duomo and the Museum of Mercy can be visited using the only ticket

Автор: 02.03.2018 | Italia
Since the first of March, two Florentine museums located in the Piazza del Duomo - Museo dell'Opera del Duomo and Misericordia can be visited using the only ticket.

Director of the Museum of the Opera del Duomo Luca Bagnoli announced the signing of an agreement between the two most important city museums, which will have been valid for a year.

The ticket will cost 16 euros and will be valid for 72 hours from the first entry into one of the two museums.

The Museum of Mercy was reopened to the public after three years of restoration work in January 2016.
Since 2000, after years of closure, it was possible to visit it only by appointment.

According to the materials of

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