Статьи  >  The crown prince of Thailand was invited to enter the throne

The crown prince of Thailand was invited to enter the throne

Автор: 09.12.2016 | Thailand
The executive meeting of Thailand officially invited the crown prince Maha Vatchiralongkorn to enter the king throne.

According to the official procedure, firstly the cabinet of ministers sent an offer for approval in the parliament of the country, and then the deputies of executive meeting consented to this decision.

As it was reported after the end of the meeting by the vice prime minister and minister of defense the general Pravit Vongsuvan, in the nearest days a new monarch is about to make an audience with the prime minister.

The verily Maha Vatchiralongkorn who after going to the throne is to be officially called as Rama X was not present at the meeting. As the mass media reports, he is outside the borders of Thailand.

In October, in the age of being 88 years old, the father of crown prince king Phumipon Aduliyadet died (he had been ruling the country during 70 years).

64-year-old prince Maha Vatchiralongkorn after the funerals asked the citizens not to worry about the succession to the throne; however, he claimed to postpone his coronation, at least, for one year.

As it was reported, he would like to dedicate this time to the mournfulness of his died father.

The monarchy is considered as the uniting power in Thailand which lived out a lot of political recessions recently. The died king was a sacred personality for many citizens of Thailand. 

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