Статьи  >  Walking tours to one of the most dangerous mountains in the world are to be organized

Walking tours to one of the most dangerous mountains in the world are to be organized

Автор: 13.10.2015 | turism
The walking trips are to be organized so as to let tourists climb to the one of the most dangerous mountain of the world Godwin Austen on the border between Pakistan and China. As «The Daily Mail» reports, this year the proposal for the tourists is coming in the market.

The trips will be affordable only for those who have already climbed to the height not more than three and a half thousand meters. The travelers will be accompanied by professional guides and Sherpas, the cost of such an excursion is nearly sixty thousand dollars. The price does not include flight to Pakistan, nights at hotel and gratuity for Sherpas.

The height of Godwin Austen which is also well-known as K2 is 8614 meters. It is situated in the rocky system Karakoram Range being the northern eight thousander of the world. The first successful raise to the top happened in 1954.

In spite of the fact that mountain is the second high top in the world after Everest, climbing is technically harder because of landscape and drastically changing weather conditions. By the middle of 2008 there were 284 people, 66 died making attempt to climb to the top of Godwin Austen. By that time nearly 3.6 thousand humans raised to Everest.

Taking into consideration the dange, Godwin Austen obtains the second position among eight thousanders after Annapurna, the index of mortality (the correlation between common numbers of ascends and people who died during the climbing and descent) is 25 per cent. One of the attempts of walking to Godwin Austen was not crowned with success. 

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