Ecologists: Eastern gorillas are on the edge of extinction

The experts on the protection of environment claimed about that at the international conference in Honolulu which is conducted by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
In total, in the world there are 5000 individuals of Eastern gorillas, and this year their status in Red List changed from ‘being in danger’ to ‘extinctive kind’.
Chimpanzees and pigmy chimpanzee bonobo also appeared in the list of animals that are under threat of extinction.
‘It is very hard to see that Eastern gorilla which is considered as our closest counterpart is almost dying’, Inger Andersen, the CEO of ICUN informed.
The military actions, illegal hunting, movement of refugees to the new territories for the last twenty years have led to the situation when the population of Eastern gorillas reduced by 70%.
Red List includes 82954 kinds of animals and plants. Almost one third from them, estimated at the number of 23 928 is located at the edge of extinction.