On the Move. Street food from around the world. Part 2
Do you happen to get hungry? That is great as we go on with our story about the most popular street food from around the world. It’s freshly cooked - fall to, you guys! Let's start with the South Asian countries, namely Singapore - seafood-rich in vitamins and minerals occupy a key place in the diet of residents ...
On the Move. Street food from around the world
Experienced tourists believe that one of the best sure-fire ways to quickly tune into the beat of another culture is to try local food. In order not to be at a loss when choosing dishes and save precious time for spiritual food, OUTLOOK gives you selective advice on street gastronomy from seven spots of the globe.
South Korea: Gastronomical identity
Very hot, very thin, very tasty and very strong – this can be a short description of Korean national cuisine and local culture of alcohol consumption. Anar Rakhmetov, expert and analyst from Kyiv had lived and worked in South Kore for several years therefore he managed to delve deeply into peculiarities of national gastronomy.
21.04.2021 | food, South Korea
Ambassador of the UAE Mr. Christian Albertus Basson Takes Part in South African Wine Mini Festival
With the support from the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Ukraine second South African Wine Mini Festival took place in Kiev. All guests of the event had a chance to try best drinks of the continent that is famous for its vineyards.
11.06.2015 | food, diplomacy, ambassador, UAE
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