In Turkey, the renovators damaged the mosaics of II century

«The Roman mosaics, some of which date back to the second century, include world-famous panels depicting the sacrifice of Isaac and another of Narcissus», The Guardian reports.
The edition marks that the local authorities have launched an investigation of botched mosaics after messages claiming that as the result of restoration works the valuable pieces of art have looked differently from the originals.
«Valuable pieces from the Roman period have been ruined. They have become caricatures of their former selves. Some are in an especially poor condition and have lost their originality and value. The panel that I saw could not have been the original mosaic from the second century. Some of its stones are missing, while others have been misplaced, creating a discordant look», the local craftsman Mehmet Daşkapan told.
An official from the ministry of culture confirmed that had been several errors during the restoration, particularly, «adding of mosaic pieces» into the original. As well, he endorsed that now all the works are on hold and the issue is being investigated.
Nevertheless, the officer reported that the restorers had longstanding experience, including the restoration of the famous mosaics at Zeugma Mosaic Museum in south-eastern Turkey.