Lake in Turkey is sanguined

The scientists confirm that similar phenomenon seems to be a prodigy of the forthcoming apocalypse; however, reddening of water is caused by seasonal changes and happens each summer.
Christopher Gobler from Stony Brook University in New York who deals with the problems and phenomena in the scope of marital ecology has explained that annual change of water color in the lake occurs because of monocelled waterweed of Dunaliella Salina sort. It grows out of control when plankton stops eating it.
A huge amount of plankton, in its turn, dies because of annual fluctuation of water level in the basin. When it decreases, salt percentage in water is changing. It usually occurs in July and August. With the beginning of cold weather and precipitation the water level increases and the counter process happens – population of plankton again grows.
Lake Tuz is not the only in the world in which water has unusual color. For example, Laguna Colorada in Bolivia is red because of sedimentary strata and similar pigmentation of local seaweeds. The water of Lake Hillier in Australia is pink every year, and the reason of such color in this exact cast has not been discerned yet.