Brand history: Chupa Chups

Several generations of ancestors of the confectioner Enric Bernat were engaged into the manufacture of sweets in Spain. Having obtained the ownership for part of business in Barcelona, hereditary entrepreneur leaves in the past two hundred kinds of products, including traditional marmalade and other delicacies. He decides to change the course of history. However, so far only within his own company Granja Asturias S.A. From that moment a modest lollipop begins its journey to Olympus, it was destined to become one of the world most famous sweets.
How was the idea born?
Businessman Bernat finds an innovative solution: his factory will produce candies exclusively for little sweet lovers, because they are the main fans and consumers of confectionery.
Enric Bernat thoroughly studies children’s "I want" and parents’ "you should" and finally comes up with a lollipop called Goal which is round like a ball. Candy melting in the mouth, can stain hands and clothing. Especially because when you learn the world, you want to know everything: what filling is inside, and how look remaining half of a candy. Later, the candy maker comes to a decision that not hands, but sweet drops should remain delicious for licking, according to his idea, it was decided to sell the candy on a mini-fork!Photo
Logotype from the genius
Bright colours to this story were added by the famous artist and co-patriot of enterprising confectioner, the great Dalí. Did Enric Bernat know that candy in the brilliant wrapper would enjoy great popularity? Most likely, he expected that. Businessman deemed that in the future, sketch created by a genius, would bring huge dividends. Who would refuse to buy the original sweet, into creation of which was involved the great maestro of surrealism? Designed in 1961, stylized daisy by Salvador Dalí provided the goodies with international acclaim and broad sales. The company Chupa Chups S.A. update logo design in 1988 with a more contemporary font. Tastes of strawberry, lemon, mint, orange, chocolate, coffee with cream were the first to conquer the imagination of children and adults.
Enric Bernat was always responsive to the mood of consumers. It turned out that, thanks to well-composed audio, advertising descant "chupa, chupa, chupa chups" was easy to remember. They began to sing a song in the shops and at the streets, and the new name stuck for the sweet Goal, as well as for the factory. It took only five years, and in 1964 Chupa Chups were already sold in 300 000 outlets throughout Spain.Photo
Scientific point of view
Since its birth, round candy attracted attention not only of little and adult sweet teeth, but, as though it might sound surprising, the attention of scientists. Throughout the candy history, the researchers found that for dissolving 1 cm of lollipop one need as much as 60 minutes. What will happen with spherical candy if to lick it 1000 time? At the beginning of 2015, Leif Ristrof from New York University of Mathematical Sciences found out that in order to melt candy in the mouth, it takes 2500 dives.
The original sales strategy
Bernat developed an original strategy of selling sweets. While other products were traditionally laid out on the shelves, the sellers of lollipop were instructed to install the stand with candy right in the shop counters areas, and mandatory within reach of young buyers, i.e. at the level of their eyes and hands. Thus, the meeting of children with Chupa Chups was guaranteed.
In 1988, the company's sales reached 20 billion units worldwide. In terms of the world's population - 4 pieces per inhabitant.
Hour of triumph
In 1995, the Mission Control Centre (MCC) sent the famous candy to the real galactic travel. Stick candy was the first lollipop which flew to the space station MIR. So the astronauts got "something sweet" and the object of children's delight - another portion of the rays of fame and advertising
The fiftieth anniversary of the company in 2008, was celebrated by the release of the world's largest Mega Chupa Chups. However, the giant was less than a kilogram, it weighed 725 grams only. By the way, this is 60 sweets familiar to all of us. Festive activities were carried out in different countries, and the final event was a MTV gala-concert featuring the stars of world stage in Barcelona, who arrived in Catalonia to celebrate the anniversary of the sweet delight.
In 2006, the world's largest manufacturer of lollipops was acquired by Perfetti van Melle, one of the leading players in the global confectionery market. The deal amounted to 512 million dollars.
As of 2015, the production of both traditional lollipop and other sweets under this brand continues to grow. The owner invests 4 million euros annually into the development of new ideas. Fans of the brand have already appreciated the candy with chewing gum inside, candy that painted the tongue in different colours, as well as whistling and exploding lollipops.Photo
Conquering other areas
Now fragrant sweets conquer the planet in a new role - in the form of lip-glosses and lipsticks with taste of famous candy. The company Paglieri Sell System joined to creation of an appetizing collection of Chupa Chups Lip Balm. Its experts enhanced flavours of caramel by herbs, shea butter and argan oil. The stores in Italy have already presented six types of lip-glosses with the scent of vanilla, strawberries with cream and without, raspberry, cola, orange.
Japanese students during the school year take for classes pens shaped as a Chupa Chups, where colour and aroma of ink are combined with candy: cherry, apple, grape, etc.
Every year at plants located in five countries, produced four billion lollipops, recognition of Chupa Chups confectionery brand exceeds 90%, and it all began with a simple caramel drops admired by children and adults.
A few important facts from goodies knowledge:
Company replaced the metal mini-forks with wooden sticks, which were in turn replaced with plastic.
One of the four candies consumed in the world, is a Chupa Chups.
90% of products sold in 170 countries.
In the world there is no more original and popular candy that has about 50 choices of flavours and fragrances.
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