On a bike around the world. Part 2

I started my journey towards the East: travelled all over Russia. Then I headed to Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras. I am currently in Nicaragua, and in a few days will come to Costa Rica. In fact, I need to overcome two great continents South America, and Africa. After them, Europe, through which I will be coming back home and expect it to be a walk in the park. Although that is how I guess, as you never know where and what will happen to you.
That is, even now, when the financial component is ok, I still do not know what will happen in a week or month. This encourages me at the same time both to live for the day and to plan ahead. The only thing I know for sure is that despite the fact that on my way I see beautiful cities and countries, and feel presence of the temptation to stay or to move there late, yet, I would like to live in Ukraine. Although I admit that experiencing such an adventure as I am having now, it will be very difficult for me to stay in one place for a long time. If I have to choose not my homeland, the most I liked Australia, the United States and Asian countries. I say this deliberately, because during my stops, I live among ordinary people, and I see states with eyes of their citizens, without touristic postcards. This is an invaluable experience.
When you try to save, any desire of being choosy disappears. However, sometimes I have a chance to try something very exotic. The latest delicacy is kangaroo meat in Australia. It is very much an acquired taste, because it is too sweet. Also to my mind come Malaysian fried frogs, Thai fried insects and fried cucumbers from Los Angeles - these dishes are probably impressed me the most. In general, the cuisine is the most important part of national culture. After sitting with the people at the table and sampling their food, you begin to understand more of their mentality.
Life on the road
Of course, one thousand dollars with which I started my trip was not elastic and it was over long ago. However, in addition to support from various people, I learned to make some money myself. I have fundraising page on the Internet, and I write for several publications. I have very little time for it, but when it comes, I pour out my impressions on paper, tell about unbeaten destinations and routes.
In addition to routine things, wherever I come by twist of fate, I try not only receive help, but also be very useful. Thus, I visit various hospitals, orphanages and schools where I share my experiences, motivate people. Willy-nilly, I have to understand the psychology, because every day I meet a huge number of very different people and I have to be able to communicate with them, to be patient, flexible and tolerant.
Despite the fact that the countries are all interesting and unique each in its own way, some are more comfortable for living, some less, but nice and helpful people are everywhere. Those who cannot help in other way, always offer overnight or food. So sometimes, it seems to me that now I have friends all over the globe. It is hard to believe, but I almost do not spend nights in a tent, and in hostels I stayed just a few times. Usually those who offered me overnight then tell their friends in other countries about my trip, and they welcome me. Sometimes I just spread the word through social networks that is the real word-of-mouth tool of the 21st century!
The OUTLOOK team takes inspiration from bold travellers who are not afraid of distance, road, and cross-cultural differences! If you also visited the vibrant destinations and want to share experiences with others, we are waiting for your stories!