Indian village Kodhini: the unraveled mystery of twins

While scientists are lost in complete misunderstanding and are determined to resolve the phenomenon, we propose to make a trip to the country of exotic mysteries. If you have decided to shake hands with every inhabitant of the village Kodhini, a strange feeling is awaiting for you. The effect of deja vu reached its highlight here. You have just greeted Amit, and Sidhartha is already coming towards you. Surprisingly, the latter looks exactly like the one who stayed at the gate of the hospitable Indian house. Twin brother? Perhaps, you think so and continue the path. In two houses the story repeats itself. Going around the village, you will stop being surprised by the phenomenon of twins. In addition, see this: in the state of Kerala, six times as many twins are born than in other parts of the world.
A traveler named Avnish Gaurav shared his impressions:
- I saw most of the twins in the tea shops. By the way, this business is the most widespread in the state of Kerala. In fact, it gives the opportunity to live to the local population. Because of this, they bring children to schools, as only wealthy people are able to educate their children. I'll never forget how I went into some class... There Lisa looked like Louise, Sam bore a strong resemblance to Samuel, and Alfred was no different from Photo
The aforementioned will force to find a census of the population, even those who are not interested in historical information and issues of demography. So you will find out that there are about two thousand families in the village Kodhini (including 204 pairs of twins). Moreover, the phenomenon puts into doubt any patterns that are acceptable in the world. So, according to National Geographic, usually from a thousand newborns six kids are twins. In the state of Kerala, this rule is constantly being broken. For example, in 2008, there were 15 pairs of twins for 300 children. Furthermore, in general for the last six years in the
Certainly, statistics gave scientists a point of interest, and they tried to study the phenomenon. Thus, they included geography into study, particularly,
However, there is some prominent study of the Indian doctor Krishnan Sribiju, who mentioned the presence of 350 pairs of twins, residing in Kodhini. He said that the official statistics of
Krishnan Sribiju declared:
- There is one amazing thing that is related to the following fact. Every year the number of twins increases. So over the past ten years, the number of twins in the
By the way, there are some gender peculiarities. In 2006, the greatest number of twins appeared in the village Kodhini, and a few years later the memories of the girls of Samira and Feemina leaked into the mass media:
- We came to a new class and found out that we are the eighth pair of twins. It's amazing, and it's worth talking about! We decided to do a little research and interviewed all the guys at school. In general, we have counted 24 pairs of twins.
Local residents argue that a sharp jump in the birthrate of twins was seen 60-70 years ago. At the same time, scientists made their first attempts to investigate the phenomenon. They put forward a hypothesis that, perhaps, in the village and the city there are different feeding systems, and this affects the strange tendency. The researchers set out to calculate what product stimulates the birth rate of twins, but did not reveal anything special. Biology was unable to shed light on this phenomenon.Photo
Some residents appealed to the authorities, hoping that they will provide financial assistance to families where the twins are born. But officials said that such social projects had not been provided yet by law. In the end, until a scientific explanation for the phenomenon of twins is found, this story will remain a mystical mystery.
Krishnan Sribiju, who already tried to bring the scientific base under this phenomenon, did not stay aside. The scientist decided to solve an uneasy riddle, because it could help women suffering from childlessness. So, he began to explore the mystery of the
- I was hoping that I could determine which product or chemical compound, at least indirectly, was the cause of the situation in that locality.
In the end, he came to the conclusion that the phenomenon of twins can be associated with water in local lakes. But this finding is also far-fetched and does not provide an opportunity to analyze the situation fully. In addition, according to official static data, residents of Kerala do not adhere to a particular food system and do not eat organic additives that could affect the situation.
However, after the riddle of twins in the
If you are not tired of mystical coincidences, there is something else. But any explanations here are powerless. Women born in the state of Kerala, but leaving their homeland, also are born twins. More than a coincidence, less than magic?
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