On the catwalk: Cuba

Cuba or Island of Freedom is highly associated not only with the colorful parties, sea of rum and Fidel, however, with the unique cocktail and mixed style in everything, starting with the clothes and ending with the color of skin of the local citizens. The modern Cubans are hot and freedom-loving that firmly connected in cultural and national code Caribbean, African, and South European traditions. It is hard to say what exactly and from where came as well as with which mixed because all those lifestyle is the best illustration of the natural cosmopolitism that is why it is difficult to explain sensibly many things happening at the Island of Freedom. By the way, it is not worth to explain them because they should be understood not by the brain but by soul and heart.Photo cubatravelnetwork.com
The clothes, as well, is not an exception because even the best historians of fashion cannot simultaneously answer the question what the Cuban national costume is. Actually, there is no such a concept because in the past traditional clothes of local citizens, particularly, their ancestors, who were representatives of the tribe guahir are breethclothes for men and dresses of tunic-like for women. Till nowadays since then only accessories have been saved, exactly, different jewellery, weapon, flowers in the hair and decorations about which we will talk later.
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So, what is the famous «estiloсubano»? So as to understand, it had better go at Hawaii streets and immerse into the bright colors, spirit of freedom and healthy sexuality that absorbs air. The hats excellently fit people, dresses, free shirts, jeans shorts, tops… Cubans even in their everyday life look as if they are going at the part or national holiday. Their appearance almost does not change depending on the day of week. Even office clerks and authority officials here differ a lot from European colleagues and American ones.Photo anadventurousworld.com
Yet, despite this variety, several trends and basis could be noticed. Firstly, both men and women are united by the fact that in their wardrobe only clothes from very light fabric is seen, mainly, from the silk and lax. The hot weather ruling under the Island of Freedom almost all the year makes impact. Secondly, men and women simply adore using different accessories and headwear as without them national costume or Cuban style is considered unfinished. Cuban women give preference to double bracelets at the wrists and necklaces. The most important elements are the kerchieves with the long fringe and coral beads. The bright dresses and skirts of the local beautiful women connecting African and Caribbean patterns are very free because at any moments Cuban woman may shift from the fun to the housework and, consequently, vice versa, because her main dress should be absolutely universal. The top of the image is the flower Mariposa in the hair or pinned to the clothes. It is used in the country with the huge respect being the most important national symbol embodying independence and the spiritual freedom.Photo somtoseeks.com
Concerning the representatives of strong sex, in spite of the all-nation love to the heroes of revolutions, only few of them go along the streets in the T-shirts with Fidel or Che Guevara, as similar clothes is mostly the souvenir for the tourists. The true Cuban man with the pride wear white guayabera, traditional loose shirt from the cotton, with the pockets that is respected in many countries of Latin America. According to the legend, for the first time it was worn in 1709 by some potter named Hose Peres Rodriges asking his wife to sew his clothes comfortable for work in which one could take cigarettes. Verily for that pockets on the chest serve. It is hard to overestimate love of all the Cuban nation to guayabera – its popular and female variety. Mainly, officially it is considered as the compulsory clothes of Cuban diplomats that is why it is taken by the simple guys and the politicians of the first range. In the city Saint-Spiitus there is museum of Guayabera that gained huge popularity verily among the local citizens while on the first of July annually the holiday of Guayabera is celebrated. The second compulsory attribute of Cuban man ‘in style’ are the hats sombrero de Guano. Their difference from Mexican and Spanish ones is the presence of Cuban symbols, the aforementioned flower Mariposa and national tricolor. Sombrero are excellently suitable both for long work under the blazing sun and for evening party in the bar that is why, like the female dresses they are universal. The final point of the image of Cuban man is represented by machete and cigarettes. They are like the coral decorations of the representatives of the beautiful sex that is a part of the image that is why frightening knives in the peaceful time and cigarette smoke despite all the popularity of smoking refusal propaganda hardly could disappear in the nearest future because everything is in the hot blood of Cubans.Photo apopka.uhcpqdoe6fq4wtztv.netdna-cdn.com
Today fashion-industry is still actively using many trends of Cuban style rethinking them and adding something new. This popularity is explained by the fact that Gavana style is much more than simply clothes. It is lifestyle, bright, free, and merry, and it will never go out of fashion.
Cover photo hiveminer.com