Canberra is the capital of...

Canberra is a relatively young city, it did not raise on its own, but was accurately laid out. Actually, a capital city of Canberra appeared because Melbourne and Sydney were at quarrel with each other trying to win the right to be called the main city of huge Australia. So, there was chosen a place that was between Melbourne and Sydney, and away from the coast to get rid of excessive noise and enemies that could come from water.
Canberra was the brainchild of one of the greatest American architects of the twentieth century - Walter Burley Griffin who was assisted by his wife Marion Mahony Griffin. Having surpassed competitors’ projects in the international competition, they were granted an opportunity to develop a detailed plan of the city.Photo
Canberra, as the capital, was built by distinct projects. All architects and "green" designers meticulously followed every step of creating a new main city of the country, so Canberra is designed to detail, and these ideal "features" of its face cause a feeling of boredom for many people, however, this impression may be completely wrong if you have a better look at it.
The main idea embodied by the Griffins was to create a garden city. Canberra was not only a solid garden, but also earned a title of "bush capital" from the Australians, and it fully justifies the title: walking through the city in spring, summer, autumn and even winter, you can watch the flowers and trees in bloom that delight and surprise your eye by all rainbow colours and their shades. And then you spot colourful parrots in the crowns, there is a whole army of birds using a perfect camouflage not to be disclosed.Photo
Of course, the main mission of Canberra, as well as of any capital, is to "nurse" all the administrative and business institutions. Australian Parliament, the Supreme Court, the Old Parliament building, which now houses the Museum of Democracy, are sitting in their crispy white shirts all over the capital and rustling important papers. Sometimes it seems that, without exception, city life is subordinated to the work of these institutions and nothing can distract them. The street is filled up with silent, calm and slow-pace, everything leads to the idea that fate of the entire country is being decided right now next to you.
After viewing all business structures outside and inside, you can feel how it is to be an important manager and diplomat, just go to the suburbs and come to the local garden of miniatures. Although local residents chose car or bicycle as the main transport, it is more convenient to get to our next location by railway. So, take a small train and let's go to the greatest places in the world, humming a tune about possessions of Marquis de Carabas. The small English villages, elegant Ottoman palace Göksu, mysterious Stonehenge and even exquisite St. Andrew's Church which, in the best traditions of Canberra, is immersing in the green gardens - all these copies of world monuments have been built with the support of those countries which have representative offices located in the capital of Australia.
And do not drink any beverages from Wonderland, leave them for Alice. To decrease in size, it is enough to get to the National Arboretum of Australia. It will break your idea of the park with strange plants that are from different families, but were forced to huddle together. Arboretum in Canberra is a huge forest bordering the lush gardens - and all this was created according the innovative technologies in the field of ecology.Photo
Arboretum is intended not only to revive once burnt forest, but also to make reserves of rare plants’ seeds for future generations. Something has already sprouted itself: oak acorns popped out of the woods, taking with them buds of Australian banksia, after laying in the sun and with the help of caring designers, plants grew to gigantic proportions. Look at the local children playground: hefty acorns and banksias that are keeping numerous secrets of nature seen through their lives. One can find windows of insects, peep into in kaleidoscopes, listen to sounds of rain and thunder, and then to get lost and try to get out of web of tunnels, slides and rope ladders. Even for adults it is irresistible to reveal the mystery that hides in the cones of wood plants, and why shall they resist it?
Every year the Balloon Festival takes place in Canberra. This is an incredible performance that mesmerizes and gives inspiration. And it seems that it is time when residents of Canberra, who partially or completely have to live in the midst of piles of important documents, descend from these paper mountains to see that there is another colourful and bright world.Photo
City intends to become the capital of capitals. For now, it strives for the title is the main city of sweets. Canberra residents well aware of where and how it is not a shame to dirt their white shirts after an exhausting working day. Cafe Pâtissez is their favourite. "Our Freak Shake perform their Freakshow for you every day", - say the cafe workers about their sweet delights. Residents and guests of the Australian capital, are willing to stand in a very long 40-minute wait queue to see them on their tables... milk beauties and handsome creations dressed in strawberry tulle fabric, caramel-chocolate corset and fold into nut boas that are great match for their cake, zephyr and pretzel hats put on top of their lush, creamy wigs. Surely, they can breach any diet. Today photos of "Freak Shake" in social media make crazy desserts fans around the world.Photo
As for global plans of Canberra development, a few years ago there was proposed a project which has finally reveal all the potential of the city, which was designed by the visionary architect Burley Griffin in the original draft of the capital. According to the plan, Canberra has to be a modern capital with more developed infrastructure and become more attractive to live and build careers. The city centre has to become a home for 15-20 thousand of new inhabitants, for whom residential complexes will be designed. Due to this, population should increase, which is currently about 400 thousand people.
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