We were there: Le Mans is the untouchable charm of old France

On photo Anton Sak
Le Mans was established before our era with the Kelt tribe Cenoman. Then this place was included in Photo marcgcphotography.cоm
- French people do not like
Anton tells that cultural monument that is considered as the symbol of the city is Saint-Julien-le-Pauvre:
- Certainly, this old building with prominent architecture in the historical center of the city is the treasure of
This church really belonged to the unique monuments of world architecture. The monumental Roman style is combined with Gothic buildings. Also, Saint-Julien has incredibly rich collection of stained-glass windows. As well, it is famous for its history. In the old time of Gallic and Roman governance in Le Mans there was Saint Julien, the first archbishop who brought there Christianity. The builders devoted the church to him.Photo 3.bp.blogspot.cоm
The building works started in 1060. Saint-Julien had to become the highest building in Medieval Ages France. The large-scale building had been lasting for almost 400 years, and it is considered as complete till now. Within the territory of the temple the members of royal family of Charles of Anjou (the king of Neapol) are buried. Definitely, in the verily temple there are relics of Saint Julian Le Mans. The local people consider him as the protector of their place.
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Address: Place du Cardinal Grente,
In the center of the city there are many different bars, café, as well as various bright places.Photo expedia.co.jp
Generally French people are crazy about the restaurants, they constantly go there! Even in the work break they gather with colleague and go to the restaurant to eat, drink and talk. Essentially, all the places of
- ‘Le Nez Rouge’ is my favorite place. It is situated in old residential building like matrimonial one. The family lives on the highest floors while the restaurant is on the lowest. They equipped it in such a typically old French style. Apart from the main halls, there is a way to the garden. There are trees, flowers, table, statues, lamps lightning in the evening, as well as torches. One is able to go to drink coffee or take some other beverage… I love taking the cocktail ‘
Address: 107 Grande Rue, Mans Le.Photo ilatou-sarthe.cоm
Also Anton is in excited because of the bright bar of accordion players ‘
- This is very little and bright place, it is called as old Northern-Western region of
Address: 95 Rue Arnage, Mans (Le).
Zest of the city
Photo michelinracingusa.com
Every summer there is Night of Imagination in the old center. It represents night light show, the wonderful projections on the walls of old city with different animation, figures, and plots.
Photo discoverwalks.com
The shops do not suit French people, - remark Anton. – The main shopping point in
Photo sylviastitch.blogspot.com
Cover photo pinterest.com