Baby, where’s your la-la-land: TOP-5 space places on Earth

It does not matter: on our beloved planet there are absolutely stunning and truly cosmic landscapes!
Wadi Rum desert in Jordan - Martian pictures
The immense sandy-stone expanses in pink tones with an extraordinary fleur of dreamy separation from the earth are pushing to reflect on the Martian chronicles of life. Species Wadi Rum, which the locals still call the Moon Valley, cannot help impressing. Not in vain because it was used as a background for high-budget Hollywood blockbusters. Here, filmed "Transformers", "Martian", "Star Wars VII: Awakening Force" and much more - Hollywood celestials are frequent guests of the enchanting Jordanian desert.
The colors of this desert can vary depending on the lighting throughout the day - from orange, purple to red with all the intermediate tones of the palette. Here you can not only walk in the company of Bedouin guides, but also do mountaineering on high enough rocks.
Wadi Rum is located in the southern part of Jordan. It is famous not only for its incredible beauty, but also for the important historical events of the Arab uprising at the beginning of the last century. Therefore, there are many interesting sights.
The most famous of them are:
7 pillars of wisdom,
the source of Lawrence of Arabia,
the red dune (tourists are offered to ride on a snowboard there),
petroglyphs (Nabataean miniatures) in the canyon of Khazali,
small and large arches in rocks of natural origin (the second is called Um Frouth Rock Bridge and is located far in the depths of the de
sert, so few tourists come here)
the Nabataean temple,
as well as funny rocks, for example, a rock in the shape of a fungus or a stone-chicken.
Chocolate Hills in the Philippines
Plain of the island of Bohol from a bird's-eye view resembles a giant truffle thicket. In fact, it's a lot of small hills in the form of cones, covered with brown grass ... The grass does not get this color because of mutations and cataclysms, but because of the region's great aridity. It does not sound cool, but it looks like a fairy-tale valley in a chocolate-candy country - very cute and childlike. For the Philippines Chocolate hills are a valuable and favorite attraction. The local people are very much in love and proud of this "natural wonder" that they placed it on the flag and the coat of arms of the province.
What is the Chocolate Hills Valley? This cluster is slightly more than a thousand elevations of approximately the same size and height (from 30 to 120 meters). The grass here becomes a chocolate spring, so that in winter and autumn you can not fully immerse yourself in the cosmic landscape. But all the same even experienced travelers consider these places unusually beautiful in any season.
The hills began to form on the island a couple of billion years ago. Scientists are struck not so much by their color and entertainment, but by the fact that the elevations are too flat for natural origin. Who knows: maybe this is true, extraterrestrial civilizations put their hand. But there is a theory-hypothesis, which explains this by tectonic shifts.
It is possible to see "truffle beauty" on the equipped viewing platform. There is an ancient bell here, and to strike at it is a good sign. On the main hill there is a civilized tourist halt with cafes, a restaurant and a hotel. So in this cosmic place you can even stop, for example, to meet beautiful sunsets-dawns.
Mirror Surrealism
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Eaglehawk-Neck is a small isthmus that connects mainland Australia with the Tasman peninsula. What is it that amazes the imagination? In the rapids of flat rocks are the purest lakes reflecting the sky like mirrors. And they are composed of symmetrical squares, like an ornate mosaic. And not a single coastline on Earth except this one has any closely similar picture.
In fact, this is not a miracle, but a rare effect of land erosion: fragmentation of the rock and the appearance of atypical cracks. On the Tasmanian Peninsula, erosion so corroded the surface of the coast, that it formed equal-sized depressions, extending straight to the sea. They filled the sea water and reflected the sky - and voila is an amazing outlandish sight. Mosaic sidewalks are beautiful at any time of the year. And in the day, and in the evening and at dawn, you can find beautiful views here.
Tasmania itself is popularly called an island on the edge of the world, because it occupies the southernmost patch of the land of Australia and, as it were, is torn from the mainland and the entire civilization on it (although once they were one). Nevertheless, this corner is famous not only for its unique nature, but also for the high standard of living and well-being of the local people. Although the nature here may seem wild to you - tropical forests, valleys and hills, mountains, lakes, volcanoes, plateaus; in Tasmania there are absolutely all the amenities needed by a spoiled European tourist. It seems that in this wonderful corner of the globe there is everything you can dream about.
The All-Seeing Eye of the Earth
Africa is an amazing country, but there is just a strange breath-taking place. In the depths of Mauritania there is the Eye of the Sahara. What does science think about it?
The eye of the Sahara is the so-called Rishat structure. Its diameter is 50 km. So this huge eye can be seen even from outer space. On the topic of its formation, there are several theories. At first it was assumed that Rishat is the crater of a meteorite. Then, that this is the result of the erosion process for many centuries. Then they decided: most likely, this is the erosion of the dome of a fallen asleep volcano, which gradually extended its cliffs after the ring. Now it is commonly believed that the Sahara Eye is an ancient archeological artifact. But this is all formed for certain so far no one knows.
The eye of the Sahara is in the middle of the Maur Adrar desert, in the south-west of the Sahara. Even more recently, even the astronauts used it as a landmark. Now, the sophisticated extremals are arranging here unimaginable competitions on persistent offroadsters. Despite the wildness and mystery of this area, in its center a good hotel is managed successfully. It is far from luxury, but quite comfortable.
In order to feel the beauty and cosmic Eyes of the Sahara on it is worth to look from the height: from the airplane or through the screen of the smartphone from the quadrocopter.
Antelope Canyon in the US: even Dali can not imagine!
Antelope does not live there, and in shape it does not look like the outline of an elegant animal, its name was given to the American canyon in Arizona due to the unusual color for such formations, similar to the tone of antelope skins. And its forms are so bizarre that even the most imaginative artists could not come up with them! Sunlight penetrates them in such a magical way that creates an extraordinary effect of radiant radiance. It is said that the photographs convey only the parts of the enchanting beauty of the place and the play of light of the shadow inside the Canyon.
The best species here can be observed four months a year: March, April, October and November. And noon is the best time for a photo. It is during these times that the sun's rays reach the very bottom of the canyon. And it turns into a dark palace with a bright inner light - the light creates here illusions of different images. The colors inside the caves can change to unimaginable tones - from white to orange, from purple to red. The person who is here has the impression that he is inside a magical living organism.
It is not so easy to get into this cosmic place. Antelope Canyon is in the north of the US state of Arizona, but far from civilization (4 miles from the small town of Page). These wild expanses are places of settlement of the Navajo Indians. Thus, you can visit them only with the permission of this nationality and in their company - the Navajo treasuredly guard their natural pearl.
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