History of the street: Dmytro Yavornytsky Avenue

Located on the banks of the namesake river, this Ukrainian metropolis since its very foundation in 18th century has played a most important role in the life of the country because trade, industry and agriculture have always been on the highest level there. Nowadays Dnipro is also a bulwark of a kind, a fortress of Ukrainian independence, a serious modern culture centre with a million citizens.
Photo macos.livejournal.co
Spirit of the 19th century is best felt in inner yards and parkways of all other places; their fame spread all over the empire because spending on their maintenance was higher than on any other local city. This entire splendor has come down to us in as nearly as pristine condition. The word is that even trees – namely acacia – bought for the place were most expensive and rulers of other Ukrainian cities – Kyiv,
By the way, Dmytro Yavornytsky himself, the person whose name the main street of the city has, a famous philologist, historian, ethnographer and a patriot, gained fame because, aside from his scientific works, he guided a special tour around Dnipro – he held the tour around its central part for Tsar Nicholas II himself. Even more, he spoke about landmarks in Ukrainian thus evoking discontent among the entourage. However the monarch himself was so interested that he didn’t focus attention on language issue – he was just admiring what he was seeing. And there were things to look at, indeed: first cinemas Luxe, Modern and Palace, electric streetlights, winter theatre, museums, splendid ambulance stations. The city was home to money that made it popular and had its population grow by leaps and bounds.Photo 2gis.ua
The oldest local building is a silk-wool factory in a building under the number 106. It was built in the late XVIII century.
Local tour guides call the Governor’s house, built in the middle of 20th century, the most luxurious one. Its architecture with elements of British Gothic still looks splendid yet without excessive pathos. Over its long history the erection served not only as residence for governors but also as an elite club where rich and successful men of Dnipro relaxed after important work.
Photo dp.informator.ua
Another masterpiece – Khrennikov's House – is just as striking being a graphic example of Ukrainian modern because Cossak’s motives can be told in its design and towers themselves remind peaks of Zaporizhian Sich. Today it is a five-star hotel “The Governor’s house. Photo uk.wikipedia.org
We greatly recommend not just to visit
Present-day youth of the city love their hometown and gladly walk tourists along routes off beaten paths, entering iconic bars and cafés, and tell most interesting stuff about their great city on the great Ukrainian river along the way.
Cover photo dp.informator.ua