The Embassy of Uzbekistan hosted a meeting of Ambassador's Spouses Club Kiev

The spouses of the Heads of the diplomatic corps of foreign countries in Ukraine and invited guests took part in this event. The organizers of the presentation were the diplomatic representation of Uzbekistan to Ukraine and “Ambassador’s Spouses Club of Kyiv”.
The main aim of the presentation was an acquaintance of Ukrainian society and foreign guests with the traditional national cuisine of Uzbekistan and dishes preparation rules of the Uzbek cuisine.
At the beginning of the presentation Gulnoza Abdualieva – the spouse of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uzbekistan to Ukraine Alisher Abdualiev, opening of this event, noted, that today the Uzbek cuisine – is a distinct national brand and this heritage of the Uzbek people has passed the test of time. According to her words, taking a new and developing, the Uzbek cuisine invariably remained national, bright and original. Then Mrs. Gulnoza told the guests about the national cuisine of the Uzbek people, the most popular dishes, paid attention to the fact that the cuisine of each of the peoples in something is similar, but it is distinctive and, keeps the thousand-year traditions of the population.
According to Mrs. Gulnoza words, the Uzbek cuisine has an ancient history, it is allied to the Uzbek culture, language and traditions. The origin of many dishes has common roots with the traditional Asian dishes, such as pilaf, lagman, manti and others. However, there are peculiar features in the preparation of such dishes, and also own completely original dishes in Uzbekistan.
The Uzbek cuisine has the prevailing and wonderful traditions in the preparation of all kinds of dishes: main courses, soups, bakery products and pastry, salads and drinks.
The preparation of fried, high-caloric food, wide usage of cottonseed oil, fat of tail, oil, spices and fresh herbs is characteristic for the main courses.
For showing of today’s master-class, the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized an arrival from Tashkent city the Masters of the Association of cooks of Uzbekistan - Feruza Akhmadalieva and Akhmajon Khamdamov, who told and shared the secrets of LAGMAN preparation.
Then Mrs. Gulnoza stopped and said a few words about the Uzbek dance. According to her words, the Uzbek dance – as any East dance is the peculiar monologue of woman, unlike the European woman, the Eastern woman cannot tell about her feelings in words and does it through the dance. In the Uzbek dance, as in the Japanese, Chinese and Indian dance, you should have expressive eyes and hands, which are characterized by the smoothness of movements.
After the presentation the guests enjoyed the colorful national dances of the leading dancing group from Uzbekistan “SABO”.
Our reference: Lagman – is one of the delicious dishes of the national Uzbek cuisine. The recipe of this dish is very simple, but in hands of a real master it turns into a masterpiece of the culinary art. Where was lagman from and whose national dish it primarily was – complicated matter. The roots of its appearance back to ancient China’s past, and then the recipe was changed and supplemented under the influence of culture of Uyghurs, Dungans and other nationalities.
In fact, lagman – is the Central Asian spaghetti with meat, fresh herbs, spices and broth. The noodles are prepared by hand at home.
There are two main kinds of lagman in Uzbekistan - chuzma-lagman (stretchy lagman) and kesma-lagman (shredded lagman). The Uzbek lagman is prepared in each region by its own way.
Lagman is difficult to name only the first dish, but for the second dish, it is too liquid. It is very substantial - one portion of lagman may satisfy for a long time.
The main peculiarity of this dish is step by step and separated preparation. Finely shredded vegetables (onion, bell-pepper, tomatoes, carrot, green radish, eggplants, white cabbage, potato) are separately fried with meat and spices. In Uzbekistan for this dish is used lamb, but you can also use beef and chicken. The cooked noodles are separately boiled.
Serving on the table, the noodles are placed in portions, poured separately cooked broth and vegetables with meat, decorated the dish with finely chopped fresh herbs.
Besides fresh herbs, cooked lagman can be seasoned with vinegar, soy sauce or spicy flavoring. These additional spices can also be put on the table, in this way everyone may choose the desired to its taste.