Amazons from tribe mosuo: Conservation of feminism in the shadow of Himalayas

In their language there are no words like 'husband' and 'wife', in the same time they do not know what it is to be 'jealous', stay in state of 'war' or experience 'betrayal', and they do not complain of their destiny.
The verily mosuo call themselves as the nation nasi while their land is considered as the 'country of daughters' because each woman is somebody's daughter. In the family that unites three-four generations all the important decisions are accepted by ami who is the oldest woman in the generation while the youth does not have any hesitations. In conservative crafts of landing the ancestors' experience is estimated as the fortune. The tribe got poor stony soil that does not make interest for the corporations that possess advanced technologies. The main tool of labour here is still mattock. The household here is the natural, but mosuo succeeds in surviving even having two hundred dollars per a year.Photo
The landing is considered as exceptionally female activity. Dealing accurately with the mattock and ground that feels lack of gratitude the peasants give to it a part of their vivid powee. The initiation of girls-teenagers is organized in the day of age majority which starts when mosuo is thirteen years old. The girl stands on the bag full with the grain under ehich the piece of pork is put while a mother makes her wear a skirt. At the end of the ceremony the grandmother gives to the girl a key from 'flower room' upstairs in the house where she is able, since then, to accept guests.
Men have to look after the animals and process the meat. The ancient custom forbids women to deprive any being of life, however, the capricious guys do not have similar desire, as well. The strong sex prefers sitting on the benches but not staying in the animal stock all the day long. The true macho has numerous affairs that are much more important, for instance, to play a part in go with the mates, discuss neighbours' deeds and get dressed by the evening when the youth is going to dances.
Among Chinese antropologists there is a proverb that culture of mosuo represents a world of women that comes into a paradise for men. The careless guys have more chances to escape from the deep forest and get on well in the city because girls drop out school early and work in the field along with the mothers when they are ten years old. The study is considered as not serious activity acceptable only for the thoughtless boy. In the opinion of antropologists, matriarchal manners of mosuo are explained by slowing in time even though several researchers suppose that maternal law and linear heritage of the property were brought by the local feodals in the purpose of rebels prevention.Photo
During dances many boys see nothing bad in swooping touching with fingertips the palms of the girl they liked. Being convinced in the preferential attitude from the side of their beloved, a guy comes at night to the house of their chosen girl having prepared three treasures, such as sharp knife, hat and pine cone stuffed with the meat. Until the watchdog is playing with the pine cone in the yard trying to find out the delicacy inside, the man throws a stone in the light window, the lady opens the shutters and man starts to climb up the wooden walls using knife as the basing point. When the excited guest suddenly goes to the window, the girl hungs his hat at the nail put in the window frame. Till the morning the couple is left alone, however, with the first shining of sunrise the lover has to go. The strict ami is likely set the watchdogs free to hunt for the careless lover whose guilt is not in the offence of moral scruples. Mosuo does not get married or make difference between babies born in official marriage or in unofficial one. Even strict administration Mao is not able to bring the free women of the East to the values of traditional family and marriage. If a girl gets pregnant, the kid is going to be looked after by the loving uncles while his father takes part in upbringing of this child only if he has a desire.Photo
Really, what is the party's order in comparison wih the statements of goddess Gan-mou who refused to get married with the mature giant. Neither feat of arms nor generous boons could not mild the heart of a capricious beautiful woman who pleasantly accepted at nights not prominent god Vajapuna. Unfortunately, love was not able to surviv. Once Vajapuna did not leave the bed of his beloved till the first sun rays, and they transformed him into the stone. From the tears of disconsolate Gan-Mou the lake Luguhu appeared and in some time the goddess who had been starving for her beloved man became a mountain called with its name.Photo
In the opinion of mosuo, liberation from the marriage bonds is necessary not to go deep into the fatal attraction. They look at love affair as if it is pretty game that should not interrupt working process. Here it is not acceptable to make blazing rows, nibble each other with jealousy and writhe at the insult of unreciprocal love. Men and women meet till the time they enjoy each other and then separate returning gifts to their former partners. In the meantime, girls who change partners too often or accept several men at once are not approved socially because in such a way it is not enough guys while the life should be organized in justice. Also it is not approved to have affairs with strangers as numerically insignificant tribe cares for the salvation of genetical fund.
Romantic personalities, probably, will consider life of this tribe os too down-to-eartg, however, in our boisterous time one needs to listen to the words of Americsn naturalist Joseph Rock who visited mosuo at the beginning of XX century. 'It is the last peaceful place on the Earth where there have never been wars while people live in the peace and quite', wrote scientist deeply moved by the careless course of days in the country of 'daughters' dwelling in high nirvana. However, will mosuo save their unusual habits when the clever men who made career are going from the city?
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