Tibet. Mountains that speak with heaven

Tibet is one of the most mysterious corners in the world. All of us have more questions than answers that appeared after getting familiar with the view of Dalai Lama or after the narrations about the wonderful Tibetan medicine. Perhaps, it happened after watching Hollywood movie ‘Seven years in Tibet’ with Brad Pitt. It seems that having joined Chinese People’s Republic in 1950, this region of Central Asia did not find calmness. It looks like telling something with all its development, history, culture, and religion, maybe these words could sound like that: I am not like everybody, I am unique, I am from another space!Photo newwaytravel.ru
Tibetan Kingdom had a significant impact in VII-IX centuries. The king Songtsen Gampo who brought Buddhism to the nation of Tibet, largely expanded not only the borders of his possession but also the cultural level of the citizens. It is worth saying that because of respect to the wisdom of his greatness the governors of China and Nepal felt like an honor to give him their daughters as the wives.
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So, it is not surprising that our ancestor Dalai Lama XIV with the magnificent care and love is doing his best to save the heritage of the ancestors even being in the exile. The ruined temples only make the faith stronger, oppressed language just increases power of the word, and it is not for nothing that Dalai Lama received Nobel Prize of the peace in 1989 for non-violent methods of fight for the independence of Tibet.Photo tourisminchina.ru
Now almost six million of people are the carriers of Tibetan language as well as worldview. Buddhist art of Tibet has been formed under the influence of Chinese, Indian, and Nepalese culture. From the primitive petroglyphic pictures to carved throne of sandal tree and amazing statues in the view of lions, dragons, or tigers near the silver tombs. We know most of all the depictions of multi-armed Buddhist deities who could be visible everywhere, from ancient icons to the modern pictures and souvenirs. It seems that one of these arms calls to come to Tibet, look at its slow rhythm of the life, and attend old temples as well as numerous local monasteries.
In the city Lhasa, historical capital of Tibet, one could see simultaneously three prominent monuments of the architecture included to the list of UNESCO, castle Potala, temple Jokhang, and summer castle of Dalai Lama Norbulingka. With the coming of Buddhism the architecture of Tibet started developing rapidly. The magnificent temples, mysterious monasteries, and usual typical buildings included Indian architectural style. Later, Chinese incentives began to be added there. Even the cold and drought-ridden climate played its role in the building. Tibetan masters are obliged to use more stone and red brick, less wood taking into consideration the complicated natural conditions and high mountain location. So as to decorate the strict view of the buildings, the walls are often knocked off by the bright fabrics from the middle side.Photo gorodmasterov.kiev.ua
The castle Potala that is consisting of two parts, red and white, had been built for almost half a century. Firstly, in the mountain one terrace had been carved and the first floor was built there, then they carved one more and raised the next. In such a way this top of creativity of Tibetan architects in the direct understanding of the word reaches the top of the mountain from the verily foot.
One more wonder that amazes tourists is, certainly, considered to be Qinghai-Tibet Railway regarded as the longest and highest rocky one in the world. Near the station Tangla it rises at the height of 5072 meters above sea level. There is one interesting fact that on the especially high plots oxygen is forcefully given being switched not only to each carriage but also to every seat. It deprives the passengers by the height sickness.
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It is not astonishing that in such a beneficial region like Tibet where people spend hours, days and years for the slow meditations, savoring nature and learn the appropriate attitude to life, their soul and body comparing with, for instance, Europeans that have another view on these issues. The receipts of Tibetan medicine are revised by the century practice and are becoming more and more popular. The majority of the curing rules is based on three principles, such as harmony of spirit, right nutrition and proper balance of work and rest. It is interesting that the newest discoveries in the modern medicine often appear to be the closest to the methods of Eastern healers. They think, Tibetans even found out a receipt of eternal youth what is not strange for people who all the life speak with the heaven. The most important days of Tibetan calendar are those connected with the actions of Buddha.Photo static.tonkosti.ru
If it happens that you have never got a possibility to attend Tibet, you will catch the piece of this mysterious region, its spirit and breath in the local shop in a view of statue of Buddha or depiction of multi-armed Tibetan goddess, not to mention the package of herbs and roots from the Eastern healers.
Cover photo besthqwallpapers.com