Blood. Money. Feather

Someone in excitement, among blood and feathers, loses his last money by betting on the wrong cock, while others become rich. The price of the question largely depends on where the cockfighting takes place. If this is a poor country and fans of this spectacle in their wallets, the wind wanders, then the winnings can be only a couple of hundred dollars. Among the wealthy players, rates are rising. In this case, the winner can take more than one hundred thousand green.Photo
Battle cocks are not a cheap pleasure. A good young bully costs more than a thousand conventional units. It is quite expensive to keep them. If firstly the future fighter grows in a common henhouse, then closer to the bouts of such a cot are planted on a special diet. Cock is fed with meat, cottage cheese, nuts, raisins and eggs. If possible, treat honey and red caviar. Some rooster owners believe that they grow faster if they mix cobra venom in their food. Everything is available in order for the bird to build muscle mass. Arrange for fighters and special training. They are put in the wheel so that they run like a squirrel in a wheel, tie the weighting on their back, so that they learn to walk on the half-bent, throw in the air, swing their necks according to a special technique, sometimes sparring with ordinary cocks. After each training, males are wiped with a sponge with warm water, so that their muscles relax after an intense load. Such chickens are subjected to "surgical" interference. They specially cut the crests. It is done in order to be an adult, and so that it could not bleed in the ring if the opponent injures its head. In the world there is even a "fighting industry" that works for this entertainment. In special stores you can buy cricket buttons, carrying bags, treadmills - fitness equipment, boxing gloves for cocks, artificial turtle spurs, which are attached to paws, drugs and dopes for possible champions. By the way, the latter are not forbidden. Therefore, often, just before the battle, birds are pricked with amphetamine, caffeine, strychnine, fed with garlic, to cause heartburn, smear on mucous pepper. The cock rousing from such actions becomes much more aggressive.Photo
Such warriors are ready to fight in a year. If during their sports career they manage to stay alive, then after a couple of years of sparring, they retire. They are again sent to the hen house to improve the livestock. In the form of roast to the table, such pensioners are rarely served, as the flesh of the fighters is too harsh.
Cockfighting is popular throughout Latin America. This entertainment is also appreciated in Cuba, Yemen, China, Madagascar, the Philippines, Uzbekistan, the Caucasus and Bali. Before the battle, rivals are teased. And while they are eyeing each other, the audience makes bets. Opponents should be in approximately one weight class. In one evening, there may be several fights. The owners of cocks can interrupt the battle at any time while determining the winner. On average, the struggle of strong opponents is likely to be lasting about half an hour. Sometimes there is a technical "draw" when two roosters just trample around each other and refuse to fight. Usually, a veterinarian observes the fight after the ring, sews up the wounds after the ring and makes bandages, colitis anesthetizing, clears throat and purges the auricles. If the game is "royal", then it is less exuberant in its outcome. After all, in this case, opponents are put to death.Photo
The fun is ancient by origin. The first fights between birds with bets and spectators, occurred from nearly three to five thousand years ago, in Persia. Then the cockfighting was not a rare sight in the shopping areas. Later, they began to entertain themselves in this way in India and the Far East. And after the conquest of Alexander the Great, the competitions moved to Rome and Athens. In Europe, special cages and stadiums were built for fighting bettas. Over time, entertainment in its popularity was compared to the battles of real gladiators or chariot races. And the Greek commanders even forced their recruits to look at bird competitions, so that soldiers before military campaigns could be imparted with military wisdom. Over time, the roosting of cocks began in Eastern Europe, in Britain. They liked watching the two feathered rivals tearing each other to pieces, both the rich and the lower classes. Even churchmen went to observe the game in England. For competitions, they often used church facilities. The peak of the popularity of this fun came in the nineteenth century, after which interest in it began to decline. In the last century, it was completely banished, as inhuman and too bloody.
The advocates of animal rights are against the cockfighting. Disputes about the inhumanity of such entertainment continue not for the first decade. However, the spectacle has already become part of the cultures of individual nations. In South-East Asia, such cockerel deaths are equated to sacrifice to the gods. In Mexico, for example, they believe that the year will be good if a bird with black plumage wins in the first calendar battle.
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