Supplements do not ask: 10 of the most disgusting dishes

If you are on a diet now and treacherous voice inside whispers foully «Come on, go and peep into your fridge!» read this article and it will block your appetite completely. But be careful! Owners of weak nerves and stomachs are not recommended to read and especially to look at the pictures. OUTLOOK prepared top ten of the most disgusting dishes, compared to which pig brains or fried grasshoppers seem to be pretty delicious...
- Residents of North Vietnam do not favour much dishes including multiple ingredients such as Ukrainian borscht or Russian cabbage soup. They find raw blood soupmuch more delicious and nutritious. Protein-rich scarlet liquid spilt from carcasses of ducks or geese is refrigerated before consumption so that all the bacteria are exposed to cold attack and die. Then, coagulated dish with metallic aftertaste is topped with peanuts and offered to a gourmet.
- Yet, when enjoying Vietnamese Bloody Mary, you run the minimum health risk, at least physically. Meanwhile, scorpions brew served in the south of China may be the last meal of your life. Remains of deadly poison are often preserved in not enough boiled insects...
- When you see men with shovels on the Mexican fields, it is not just a sign of seasonal work. Most likely, those courageous people collect the main ingredient for the delicacy called eskamoles. Having dug to a depth of about eight meters, poor searchers put inside their hands and they immediately fall prey of hundreds venomous bites, that’s how they take out a long-awaited exclusive – larvae of huge Liometopum ants. Then, harvest also known as insect caviar is lightly flavoured with green onions and served at the table. The dish is said to leave a pleasant almond aftertaste...
- Do you like cheese which is gone off a bit? And how about a piece of fragrant, creamy, exclusive Casu Marzu containing larvae of Piophila casei fly? When eating cheese, make sure that its inhabitants are alive, since they become extremely toxic when dead. Eating sandwiches with this appetizer which, by the way, can be purchased only in Sardinia black market, requires special skills. Before you enjoy the delicacies, you’d better cover nose with hand and close your eyes. And not only to protect your sense of smell. Quick bugs can jump in a distance of about 15 cm, and it is no problem to them to move from food into internal organs of foodie adventurer.
- Specific odour forcing tears from eyes of fresh tourist and making him rush in direction of toilet, is a distinguishing feature of century eggs. The recipe belongs to the omnivorous Chinese. Fresh product is preserved in mixture of clay, salt, ashes and rice straw for several months, and then it is taken out and sent to the restaurant kitchen and supermarket shelves. In the process, the yolk gets an appetizing dark green colour, and the egg’s white turns to a jelly-like brown mixture.
- It is just Cambodia cooks who managed to turn ordinary eggs into dead meat. Dish called balut is almost developed chick embryo with feathers, beak and all, boiled in an egg shell...
- Hello again, China! The local chefs could not ignore making food from animal foetuses. But in terms of horridness, they even surpassed an African recipe. Much favoured since imperial times, this treat is called three rat’s screams. They put on the plate several baby rats taken from belly of a pregnant rat, and serve with soy sauce. The baby rat would scream once when it is picked up with chopsticks, its second scream comes when it is dipped in the sauce, the final scream would occur when it is chewed in the eater’s mouth.
- Northern peoples inhabiting the vast of Greenland and Chukotka do not stuff duck with apples for Christmas feast, but they fill a seal with auk birds. Cooking of kiviak beginning six months before the celebration. Not-gutted headless carcass is fully stuffed with plucked birds and sent to freeze. In the pre-holiday night reserves are taken into house to thaw, and then the dish is served without any heat treatment.
- Icelandic New Year's dinner also contains a traditional dish which may be highlighted in red as a particularly revolting – a hákarl. It is rotten meat or stomach of Greenland sleeper shark.
- In Japanese supermarkets along with the ingredients for sushi they sell huge tuna eyes. Slimy delicacy is claimed to be incredibly beneficial to health and is recommended to be eaten raw.
Photos from open sources