If you have 10 dollars and you are in Hurghada

The first and most important rule to be strictly observed in Hurghada is: always, remember it, always bargain! Any price asked by traders for their goods can be reduced at least by half. Try to convince to locals that you are visiting them for the umpteenth time and learnt all their tricks. This, of course, does not apply to supermarkets, chain stores or any institutions where prices are fixed.
Moving into your temporary Hurghada home, do not refuse a tip to concierge, let it be $10. In gratitude, he can significantly upgrade your room.Photo lmholiday.com
Travel fare in Hurghada is quite cheap, it ranges from a few dozen of cents to $1. Taxi to the shot distance will cost a bit more expensive than regular public transport - from $2, but if a driver immediately asks you for $3 or more, it is better to wait for another cab.
Special attention throughout Egypt shall be paid to the cost of water. The fact is that water from the tap is not drinkable, it cannot be used to wash fruit and vegetables to be consumed, and, in general, tap water cannot be used for cooking. The risk of some infectious disease is very high. Go for bottled water, a litre of it from the shop will cost about $1.Photo kayak.co.uk
Hurghada is still a city in the tropics, so local tropical fruits are worthy to spend even all your money. Prices for these products vary depending on the season. For sweet fruit it is better to visit bazaars, because in shops and supermarkets the prices are fixed and are always higher than at bazaars. In mango season price per kilogram of it could be about $3-6, price tags with the amounts of $10 evidence inflated price.
Seasonal watermelons are sold at a price of $3-4 per kg, sweet melons - $2-3. Half a kilo basket of strawberries is $1-4, a kilo of peaches or grapes - $1-2. In general, having from $1 to $10, you may fill both your bag and stomach with natural delicacy.Photo wikimedia.org
One should drink all sorts of possible smoothies and juices. Small packages of these drinks start from 1.50-2 Egyptian pounds, and big ones from 6-8 pounds, but it's still less than one-dollar bills.
Carlson would gladly trade his house for the roof of some Egyptian store or bazaar, since it offers everything he needs to be absolutely happy, that is a selection of jams and marmalades. Which flavour would you like to try? Ordinary strawberries? Keep it! Orange, mango, figs, dates, guava? Stuff yourself with it and be healthy! Average price is 3-4 Egyptian pounds per bottle, that is about half a dollar.
Do not miss a chance to sample halva. A regular one with additives costs about $1, halva spread might cost a little more, but it is always interesting to taste something new.Photo turkishairlines.com
One of the best natural gifts that you can bring home from Hurghada is "Kaf Miriam," which means "hand of Mary." This plant has a dozen of other names. It is surprisingly easy to find it in the Egyptian shops, but in order to buy the plant outside the country, you need to put a lot of effort. At first, everyone sees only a yellow root with dried, twisted pedicles, but with each another look you begin to see someone's hand. The miracle begins when the root is plunged into water: it blossoms, gets green and can even have flower. You can repeatedly let it sleep and awake it by drying and putting it into water. "Kaf Miriam" has a tail of various practical functions, including medical usage. Unique plant will cost about half dollar, a dollar is enough to buy several roots.
In Hurghada you can watch movies in English. So, you should jump to one of cinemas located in a large shopping and entertainment malls. To sit a few hours in soft arm-chair in front of a huge screen, thus hiding from the outside heat, to satisfy cultural thirst, will cost you from $2-4 and higher. Ticket price depends on the session.
You may feel like a celebrity if order a photoshoot from local photographers. However, they offer their services at a price from $1 to $3 per shot. Pictures are usually provided to you in digital form.
Photo elgounatours.com
Knowledge has always been the most profitable investment. Admission fare of $1.5 opens doors to the Marine Biology Museum where aquariums and small tanks show virtually all the Red Sea. In addition, one may drop to the library at the Museum and try to unravel records from centuries old books. For $2 you may enter a great local aquarium centre, where your thoughts will mandatory grab octopus tentacles, climb on a large turtle, join a school of fish, or will be gulped by slippery sharks.
If you want to feel the sand under your feet, all around you when looking up, then bring your $10 to sand sculpture museum. The combination of water and sand recreated here masterpieces of world history and culture.
And, you can save $10 for night entertainments. Tired after the day in the city filled with endless search for souvenirs, trading, noisy chats of tourists and sellers, you may pay ten at the entrance to a night club and dance all night long as if no one sees you.
And then, look for local music. Running eyes through shops and outdoor stalls, you can find records of traditional Egyptian folk tunes, or its modern motifs. Music to go will cost you $6-10. If you are lucky to come upon sellers of musical instruments, then for a couple of dollars you will get a piece of live sounds and will be able to recreate the country of pyramids at any place in the world.
Cover photo planetofhotels.com