The Ambassador of Uzbekistan held in Kyiv international conference dedicated to the 575-th anniversary of Ali-Shir Nava’i

The event joined the spokespeople of scientific structures of Uzbekistan and Ukraine, representatives of public offices of Ukraine, diplomatic service, Uzbek expat community, and mass media.
Particularly, especially for participation in the conference such activists came as the Professor of Institute of Oriental Scholarship of Uzbekistan Suim Ganiev, the Doctor of Philology, Professor and director of State museum of literature named after Ali-Shir Nava’I of Academy of Science of Uzbekistan Saidbek Hasanov and Head of Chair of Uzbek literature and methods of Uzbek literature teaching of Tashkent state pedagogical university, professor Karomat Mulahojaeva.
On the part of Ukraine, the value of creativity of Nava’i was discussed in the speeches of representatives of Institute of Philology of Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, the students of study of Turkish languages chair of Institute of Philology of Kyiv National University named after Taras Shevchenko, the tutors and students of cultural studies faculty of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts.
The honor to the Ambassador was expressed by his colleagues, heads of diplomatic missions of Georgia, Hungary, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Palestine, Iran, etc.
One of the greatest people who made a huge impact on the formation of spirituality of Uzbek nation was Ali-Shir Nava’i. He is a prominent personality who left a trace in the world civilization.
The biography of this gifted poet and eminent thinker attracted attention of many historians – Eastern scholars and literary critics since olden times. The whole writings are dedicated to this research; even the schools of Nava’I study are created. However, the timeliness of this topic study is not decreasing with the course of the time because every writing of Nava’I deserves the volumes of analysis. His poetics includes extremely interesting and various approaches; and his views are unusually forward-thinking.
The creativity of Ali-Shir Nava’I causes interest in the whole world through present; it is justified by the translations of great poems into English, French, German, Ukrainian, and other languages. The connoisseurs of literature are attracted by the deep philosophy of his creativity, rich metaphors, and variety of poetical images.
After independence coming in Uzbekistan the process of all-round and deep investigation of poet’s creativity and his treasured heritage, the interest towards him increases in the West. Naturally, meanwhile it caused the tendency to translate the poet’s writing to the world languages.
In 2015, due to the birthday of poet in Uzbek language the article of Canadian scientist Harry Dick ‘Gardener of Spiritual Garden’ was published. This scientist interested in creativity of Nava’i translated into English his poem ‘Lison-Ut-Tair’ (‘Language of Birds’) so as to show to English-speaking readers the whole beauty of this writing.
German and French scientists and translators show significant interest to the writings of Nava’i what, unfortunately, cannot be said about English experts. The interest and attention of Western researcher or interpreter to Ali-Shir Nava’I depend not only on his professionalism but also his self-sacrificing attitude on the way of great thinker cognition.