In capital of Ukraine the diplomatic ceremony organized by the Embassy of Egypt to Ukraine took place. It was dedicated to one of the most important National Day of the country such as Anniversary of revolution of 1952.
July revolution is the name of take-over in Egypt which happened in 1952 and laid the foundation of national liberation revolution as the result of which monarchy was removed and the republic was acclaimed. The 23-rd of July is the date which is considered as the national holiday officially in the country for many years.
This significant date has been celebrated by the representatives of Embassy of Egypt to Ukraine along with the Heads of diplomatic missions in the country, particularly, Iraq, Pakistan, Kuwait, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Republic of South Africa, members of Spiritual Directorate of the Muslims of Ukraine, social organizations, representatives of expat communities, etc.
Lighthouse - this word evokes beautiful associations: sea adventures, storms, huge ships. And we do not want to dispel these thoughts, but rather to add fuel to the fire. There is a great amount of them in the world, they are striking by their beauty and inimitable. Today we are sharing with you the quintet of amazing lighthouses!
Resorts of the All Inclusive type, pyramids and mummies - that's probably full list that comes to mind when talking about Egypt. Meanwhile, it is one of the most ancient states in the world, and its capital Cairo is the largest city of the Middle East and Africa, with a population of 19 million people, it is a metropolis that rich in historic finery and glass skyscrapers, garbage dumps and expensive shops, a glut of wealth and blatant poverty.
The city where Alexander the Great was foretold conquest of the world. The city where Cleopatra used to go only to wash in warm healing springs to. The city that is hard to find on a map today without some fine optics. Siwa. In the heart of Sakhara in 560 kilometers away from Cairo small village with incommensurably big history is cunningly hidden awaiting “its” zetetic visitor.
The coast of the red sea is decorated by the resort city Sharm El Sheikh that is translated in a sophisticated manner as ‘sheikh’s bay’. Surrounded by Sinaic Mountains, it is reliably covered being protected from the winds and foul weather. As well, it saves the cozy climate for travels all the year…
After the legendary Frenchman Jacques-Yves Cousteau and his colleagues invented and perfected self-contained underwater breathing apparatus, scuba diving firmly entered the list of the most popular, but unfortunately, unsafe hobbies. OUTLOOK warns and talks about the most extreme places to do scuba diving.
We are proceeding to spend $10 in various destination... Today, in the sands of Hurghada, Egypt, we are looking for something worthy investing this money, to feel the city, touch and taste it. At the same time, we will see how not to fall into the trap of vendors who for the sake of your traveller’s wallet, will build a new pyramids and bring unknown species of scarabaeus.
In this day and age, it is difficult to surprise anyone, especially an urban resident, with some large department store or market, since nowadays one can buy everything from a humble convenience store next door. However, the iconic bazaars and flea markets are still operating across the globe, they are famous in legends and described with delight.
A few centuries ago sea transport was not just the most popular, but the only way to get from point A to point B. However, as you know, force majeure occur on any roads, even on water routs, and through a long history of mankind many ships did not manage to reach their destination ports and ended underwater. Nevertheless, the relative "reservation" allows wreck vessels to live a second life as a museum.
There are many options in the world that a person can master. North America has given a boost to startups and the banking sector, Asia - to high technology, Europe - to medicine ... And let's find out what do people do on the sunniest continent in the world?
Egyptians form an opinion about the person exactly after the greeting which, in general represents hand-shaking. However, one should remember that it should obviously be bone-crushing otherwise it could be estimated as the reflection of the lack of sincerity… Thus, exchange greetings and continue getting familiar with the peculiarities of the mindset of this nation!
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Egypt to Ukraine Hossam Eldin Mohamed Ahmed Ali on July 11 met the guests on the occasion of the national holiday. Representatives of the foreign diplomatic corps in Ukraine, members of the Government, heads of non-governmental organizations and embassy partners came to greet Egypt.
The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Egypt to Ukraine Mr Hossam Eldeen Aly organized an official diplomatic reception in honor of National holiday dedicated to July revolution of 1952.
On April 3 the exhibition of the contemporary visual art “Egyptian Vision” was opened by the Ambassador of Egypt at the Kyiv History Museum. The exhibition is dedicated to 25th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Egypt and Ukraine.
On the 4-th of April in Museum of history of Kyiv the exhibition project of the modern visual art Egyptian Vision is about to open. For the first time in Kyiv the works of selected collection will be represented, particularly, nearly forty pictures of famous Egyptian masters among whom there are Munir Escander, Gergis Lotfi, Gamil Shafik, Hasan Abd Elfatah, Aayed Saad Eddin, Karim Abd El Malak, Hasan Rashed, etc.
The Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Egypt to Ukraine Hossam Eldin Aly, Governors of Red Sea, South Sinai participated in the press conference ‘Egypt. New opportunities’ dedicated to the presentation of a new travel concept for 2017.
The capital of Egypt is a metropolis with 17 million of population and one of population’s highest densities on the globe. In order to have at least some kind of roof over one’s head, some people have to live at railway stations, some acquire status of refugees and others even have to settle at cemeteries. About half a million of the Cairene who live among toms read further in Outlook!
Concept of female beauty changes nearly as often as every century. But universal beauty paragon that not only managed to win hearts of the most influential men of her times but also to net global fancy for thousands and thousands years remains, sure enough, Cleopatra…