In the Embassy of Uzbekistan Uzbek and Ukrainian business meeting happened

As the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Republic Uzbekistan to Ukraine Alisher Abdualiev told, the stated meeting was organized in compliance with the initiative of Embassy under the support of Uzbekengilsanoat (Uzbeklegprom) as well as association Ukrlegprom following the purpose to increase the bilateral investments and trading floods.
As the Ambassador of Uzbekistan remarked, today there is a vivid interest of both countries’ business, especially after ratification by Verkhovna Rada the Order on the implementation of free trade area of the Commonwealth of Independent States relatively to Uzbekistan. Its continuation became the range of bilateral contacts, Uzbek and Ukrainian business forum arranged in the past in Kyiv which found out support and were arranged by the Embassy of Uzbekistan. Today initiative should be systematizing those deals which have already committed, and improve their development.
In the course of the event Uzbek enterprises demonstrated the samples of national export-orientated production of textile, automobile, electrical technical, and food industries of economics of the republics.
At the event the industrial exposition was represented by the enterprises included in the structure of Uzbekengilsanoat which work in such segments as yarn, fibre, fabric, cloth, terry, end product, etc.
The Program of the business meeting evolved the wide range of relevant issues of the development of textile area, profile practical experts of textile enterprises received a unique possibility to meet and get familiar with the exposition, however, figure out the exact technologies and equipment for its production, make preliminary negotiations on the purchase of production.
During the presentation the executive of production export monitoring and coordination of the activity of external trading companies Uzbekengilsanoat J. Rustambekov in details told the participants about the export and investing possibilities of textile area of Uzbekistan. According to the information given by J. Rustambekov, basing on the results of the first half a year of 2016 the share of consumer goods manufacturing in the development of economics of Uzbekistan in the volume of industrial production comprised 3.3% while in the production of non-food custom goods this indicator exceed the figure of 14.0%.
The reason why such high industrial indicators are possible to achieve sounds like that. Our country provides the efficient politics on the involvement of foreign investments and technologies, modernization, technological and technical renewing of production, development of small business and sole entrepreneurship, summarized J. Rustambekov.
As the honorable representative of Ukrlegprom V. Izovit thought, the chosen strategy of the Government of Uzbekistan on the development of consumer goods manufacturing is the capable impulse and proves that Uzbekistan confidently entered world textile community.
As the president of Ukrlegprom T. Izobit told, the experience and program of National support of development of consumer goods manufacturing of Uzbekistan is worth being copied and it could serve as the example while organizing the industrial program of Ukraine.
According to the results of the meetings organized between Uzbekengilsanoat and Ukrainian association of the enterprises of consumer goods manufacturing the Memorandum on collaboration is signed.
In general, in the course of the organized bilateral meetings the commercial contracts were signed intended to deliver to Ukraine automobile transport, textile productions, electrical home facilities, tobacco goods, mineral fertilizers at the total amount of money more than 47.4 million dollars. As well, they signed up the contract for the delivery in Uzbekistan technological equipment of the enterprise Dnepropress for the structure Uzpahtasanoat (Uzhlopkoprom) at the amount of 2 million dollars.
Apart from that, the Memorandum on organization of production within the territory of Uzbekistan of liquid manure and biological medicine has been signed up between Uzkimesanot and company GFT Ltd.
Besides that, the representatives of Kuva Agroinvest moved to Lviv and visited industrial squares of the enterprises T.B.Fruit and Golden Fruit where they discussed the issues of collaboration on the production of juices’ concentrates by the way of recycling of fruits and vegetables as well as pastries from the dried fruit at the base of enterprise Kuva Agroinvest in Fergana Valley of Uzbekistan.
In the purpose of implementation of the systematic deliveries of dry fruit, fresh and processed fruit and vegetable productions at the Ukrainian market between Uzagroexport and BTS-import the agreement was reached having a result as the establishment of the common Trading house Ukr-Az Agroex-Im in Kyiv.
The initiators of the event are convinced that such meetings and exhibitions will allow to expand the possibilities between Uzbekistan and Ukraine, will encourage increasing of bilateral investments and trading floods the level of which at the moment stays far away from the potential possibilities of our economics.