Inti Raymi: let’s meet sun along with Peruvians

Inti Raymi is one of the oldest and most traditional holidays of the ancient Incas which has been saved up today and is arranged in Peruvian city Cuzco annually attracting thousands of tourists all over the world. One could tell and write a lot about this event, however, it is better to see the colorful tradition at least once in life with your own eyes. It does not concede Indian walking or Brazilian carnivals.
Every year on the 24-th of June, in the first day of new year on the calendar of the Ands citizens, and in the days if winter conjunction the streets of a central part of Cuzco, the ancient capital of Incas’ Empire transform into a giant stage for the large-scale theatrical performance. The ancestors of modern Peruvians considered that on this day sun raises from the Milky Way and makes a bridge between the sky and Earth giving possibility to the Terrans to communicate directly with the celestials and receive answers from them concerning the most moving questions.Photo
In the celebration of Inti Raymi both professional performers acting the main roles and amateur teams participate. So as not to miss anything, one need to go to the central temple of sun Korikancha early in the morning on the 24-th of June to take place closer to the entrance of performers. Exactly at 10 am they appear at the platform of the temple in beautiful celebration clothes being accompanied with the musical instruments and traditional Peruvian melodies. Then, they go along the streets of the city till the main square of Cuzco in an official procession. The pictures from Incas history are evocating in front of the citizens.
This time at the central square everybody is ready to bring to the throne of the Supreme Inca the sacrifice, particularly, shamans, servants, sermons, queen of Incas on the sedan chair decorated with flowers, puma and snake, the sacred animals of the Incas. The local citizens and tourists also break into dance because even the shiest ones cannot stay and look in a calm mood. Due to the music, costumes and airing atmosphere it seems that time machine works fully, and you have appeared here several centuries ago.Photo
Going round the square for the pleasure of spectators, the procession is walking to the fortress Saksayuaman which looks like a head of puma at the map of Cuzco. There will be the main action of the holiday. Exactly, the Supreme Inca will worship the Sun, gratify it for the harvest and go on to transfer the message to the nation from Inti, the god of sun. The people, in their turn, will make a prayer and theatrical immolation of lama so as to express respect and blandish the celestial. They believe, the harvest gathered by the peasants depends on the fact if god Inti is going to be pleased.
This holiday is a part of cultural heritage of Peru and national pride of the local citizens. Any children could tell you the legend about the origination of Incas where, certainly, the main role was played by the god of sun Inti. According to the believes, he felt pity towards people because their lifestyle was rather primitive and they hardly differed from the animals. Inti sent his children, son and daughter, to teach people some good sense, and they became forefathers of the great Incas. By the way, the verily word ‘Inca’ is not the name of nation but the ruling class the representatives of which did not dedicate time to landing, building or other useful labor, but were only governors and priests for the people with nationalities kuchua and aymaru. Today they live at the territory of Peru saving their originality and language.Photo
Inti Raymi is the second large festival in Southern Africa, it serves as the benevolent beginning of new year in Ands. Because during several centuries after the occupation of Southern American continent by the Spanish people, there was no holidays while the practice of any pagan worships was forbidden and tradition was almost lost. The current order of the official celebration was restored due to the records of Peruvian historian of the XVI century Garsilaso de la Vega, the author of ‘The history of Incas state’. The first reconstruction was organized in 1944 under the guidance of Faustino Espinosa Navarra. These two people who, actually, returned to the nation the ancient image are highly respected. When people go to cafes and houses so as to celebrate Inti Raymi in the narrow circle, all the companies remember to toast verily for Navarra and Garsilaso de la Vega.
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