Ankara is the capital of…

Located almost in the exact center of the country, at Anatolian highland, nowadays Ankara is considered as one of the most vibrant cities of the planet as it has a huge potential as well as financial one as it is the heart of Turkish economics and business and industrial as in the surroundings there are the main industrial districts of Turkey. In the meantime, even one hundred years ago Ankara was the typical provincial city in Anatolia (it is the name of Asian, ‘inner’ part of Turkey) with the population in 60 thousand. Nowadays there are more than five million people, and this number is fastest growing year by year. For instance, working places, interesting job positions, decent wages, possibility to live in a modern comfortable city with the color of the past epochs are the factors that make the capital so attractive not only for the Turkish people but also for foreigners who are a lot in these streets and offices.
Talking about Ankara, one cannot avoid mentioning about Istanbul which had been being the capital of legendary Ottoman Empire for the centuries, however, nothing is eternal that is why in 1920s the great Mustafa Kemal Ataturk made a far-reaching decision not only to build a new secular Turkey but also to give it a new capital. The choice lied on Ankara because of many reasons. At first, apart from vulnerable Istanbul from the side of Europe and seas, it is quite deep inside the country what made it not so acceptable in the case of war. At second, there was less aristocratic and conservative population what made it easy to arrange the reforms and changes. In general, starts are aligned like never before, and in 1923 Anatolian district town became the capital while Kemal forever and ever became the favorite of local citizens.
There are a lot of different geographical names and mentioning of the name of ‘father of Turkish’ as not experienced tourist is easy to get lost, and it is clear because the city received not only new status but also new opportunities and stimuli. In some 50-60 years they said about provincial place as the real competitor of Istanbul but today nobody is going to argue with the influence and possibilities of Ankara as it is one of the most important capitals of Europe and Asia. Apart from politics, other important activities in Ankara are the intellectual functioning and manufacturing in special sectors and zones. The gifted youth all over the country tends to appear in the local universities so as to get the job then in the modern industrial enterprises-giants among which there are some that are especially outlined, such as ‘Aremsan’, ‘Barish’, ‘Roketsan’, and ‘Nurol’ that equip military and cosmic industries of not only Turkey but also other countries. One more important scope is the mining and metallurgical industries of the region Karabuk that is located at the north of Ankara. If Karabuk cities could be called as the ‘muscles’ the capital plays the role of ‘brain’ that decides what and how should be got and sold then.
Except for the big companies, in the capital until now there are traditional for Turkey small factories or firms with the staff in twelve-twenty people. They do quite different activity starting from the consumer goods manufacturing and ending with the travel services. In the terms of economics such small but mobile enterprises play a huge role because they mean not only stable taxes but also self-employment of the population as in Ankara there is a little percent of unemployment. The Turkish, apart from other Eastern nations dislike boasting and throw dust into eyes saying that the capital simply ‘blossoms’, however, with the naked eye it is visible that the everything is going well in the city. Such strategic objects as subway or railway stations with the airport are constantly built or reconstructed, the big expenses are contributed into the public transport which level tends to Western European, at the suburbs there are new and comfortable residential districts while the old center is supported in its architectural magnificence what causes joy among the tourists. What is also important is that despite the current lack of stability at Middle East, particularly, near the Turkish borders, Ankara creates the impression of truly safe and calm city with the majority of monuments, tolerant atmosphere, and fantastic street food.Photo
Looking from Anatolian tops at the extended for many kilometers capital of Turkey, one immediately sees the contrast between the ancient low-rise squares and business skyscrapers of the center. Perhaps, Ataturk saw his main city like that, particularly, modern, dynamic, however, with the authentic raisin. Despite the crazy population of its one-hundred competitor, verily Ankara is the true gates to Turkey, not only physically but also conceptually, particularly, Anatolia with its boundless spaces, Cappadocia with its Martian landscapes and the side of Black Sea as well as original Kurdish South-East, all these routes start verily here, in the heart of a new Turkey which looks at the future, however, does not forget about its past.
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