There was held an opening of the exhibition and mural by the author KLONE in Kyiv

The exhibition KLONE has a symbolic name ‘Foreign Motherland’ which took place in art-space Educatorium. This mural ‘All of us are together’ by his authorship could be watched at any time of Shevchenko’s region in Kyiv at the walls of kindergarten №130.
KLONE was born in Kharkov in 1983. Even in the childhood he and his parents moved to Israel. There his creativity started from graffiti. Verily because of this urban tradition a young immigrant metaphorically started obtaining the space of strangers. Due to the street art, in his own words, foreign things became more familiar and closer to him. With the time graphic works of KLONE started being displayed at the exhibitions all over the world. The murals of his authorship decorate the walls of the countries of Europe, Middle East and USA. Consequently, the accents in the creativity of KLONE matched from the private ruminations to the global relations of people with the concept of ‘House’.Photo
The author of idea – Dmitriy Palienko, the founder of Sky Art Foundation – considers that the tradition put forward on the initiative of the fund is important because it brings the culture to the masses:
-Last year we started a good tradition to draw the streets of Kyiv and all Ukraine in the warm season. With this purpose we invite the artists from different countries. In such a way, we make a cultural contribution between Ukraine and other countries of the world. In the stated occasion the famous artist KLONE agreed to come to us and color one of the kindergartens of Shevchenko’s district.Photo
KLONE considers that people do not need to get attached to the exact countries and places fulfilling the ancient gene of nomad.
-I love travelling, - the artist confirms. – Fortunately, my profession leads to the travels. The trips expand consciousness and worldview as well as give inspiration. I have been to many countries and each of them is so beautiful. It is so hard for me to outline only one as I do not have favorites. As well, I do not have a country of my dream. You know, I am always for the situation when I wake up at my home in Tel-Aviv. However, I have gone to interesting places. I do not feel attached to anything, as I can be everywhere. I try not to associate myself with any countries and, perhaps, I am citizen of the world, at least, I try to be cosmopolitan.
Also KLONE revealed us the secrets of traveler:Photo
-When I travel, I try not to forget the tooth brush and recharging unit for the mobile telephone. Everything else could be easily bought on the way. For creativity I also do not need a lot as all the instruments could be found out at any corner of the world.
In such an easy one but at the same time significant attitude to life there are secrets of artist’s creativity: ‘I read, I watch everything what happens around me, and it serves the material for my pictures and my creativity. This is literature, art and even symbolic that is everywhere’. However, the main thing for KLONE is people. All the pictures represented at the exhibition are based on the conversations with people and personal recollections of artist about people from different countries:
-It could not be told that ‘Foreign Motherland’ is dedicated only to one country, - reveals the essence of exhibition KLONE. – It is not compulsory to see verily Ukraine in it. It could be any motherlands because I do not consider that I have at least one motherland. I was born here but I have not lived here since eleven years old. Even though I am originated from Ukraine, I am not Ukrainian at all. I do not think that we think the same or behave in the same manner. Generally, I am not absolute Israeli man or Ukrainian man as it is something different. What creates these portraits… I consider that are people whom I draw. They agree with me on this topic as they do not have any places to be attached. All the pictures are done from life. The majority of my conversations are organized in my studio. Nevertheless, in Kyiv we have done a couple of portraits simply at the kitchen. But there is an exact country for me as well as people who live there.
KLONE could hardly understand current Ukraine that is why the ideas of mural are based on his past recollections and personal feelings from the moving:
-It is complicated to describe today Ukraine comparing with my impressions about that since the moment I moved to Israel as my past recollections resemble the impressions of child. I do not think they could be compared with the current country. The memory which I have concerning Ukraine could be wrong somehow. And the recollections since then are constantly changing and are built to be more pleasant.
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