Multifaceted palette of peace in Kyiv. OUTLOOK WORLD CULTURE FESTIVAL gathered guests and friends for the fourth time. Part 2

It is a great honour and joy for us that every year more and more embassies, diasporas, public organizations and volunteers join our holiday celebrating friendship of nations and cultures. Every day we receive a lot of your messages with pleasant memories, bright photos and calls with warm words to the event. So let us remember what surprised the guests on October 7 in the Hall of Columns of the Kyiv City Council.
Having crossed the threshold of the City Council, the guests found themselves inside a high-coloured holiday, sounding in different languages and shimmering with all shades of the world. In every thematic area they were greeted with a smile and a kind word.
OUTLOOK WORLD CULTURE FESTIVAL for the fourth time gathered guests and friends. Part1
The hostess of the event, Ukraine, opened her arms. In the picturesque location guests could get acquainted with the traditional technology of making carpets and even try to make a few stitches on a real weaving machine! This uneasy skill was taught by a member of the National Society of Masters of Folk Art, Valentina Tkach. The relevant atmosphere in the authentic corner was created thanks to embroidered towels, retro wreaths, objects of everyday life, presented by collector Alexandra Gerasimova. A cute accent was traditional hand-made dolls called motanki, skilfully made by craft artists from the city of Mariupol Svetlana Meshkova and Irina Chaplinskaia. Three historic traditional women's costumes representing the regions of Western Polissya, Eastern Podillya and Poltava from the gallery Ukraina Antiqua were delight for eyes.
The state enterprise Crimean House was responsible for the creation of the Crimean-Tatar thematic corner. Clay pottery works by craftsman Rustem Skibin found their place on the woven cloths, reflecting the beauty of the Crimean nature and demonstrating the traditional motifs of the peninsula.
Nobody happened to leave empty-handed from the Ukrainian zone. All comers could create for themselves an intricate toy of motley grass for memory. Both children and adults lined up to take part in the master class. Sure! Such an article is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a hand-made amulet.
In the location representing the culture of Palestine, the guests could view unique items made of olive trees, traditional ornaments, and also be photographed in arafatka (traditional headscarf) with representatives of the country in stylish dresses. The Museum of Diversity featured two elegant women's costumes decorated with embroidery, in something very similar to ours, Ukrainian one.
Exciting Bulgaria greeted the guests in the neighbourhood. Having dropped in there, each guest could make a symbol of the country - a rose, as provided by the special master class. Everyone could feel the taste of the country trying its national dish - banitsa.
A special atmosphere reigned in a corner of Pakistan, where vivid fabrics, patterns and ornaments merged in a multi-coloured palette. Traditionally, the embassy prepared for the guests entertainment: exquisite drawings of henna, for which our charming female visitors lined up.
Autumn is harvest time. This is the topic of the location of Moldova. Guests could treat themselves to sweet grapes and fruits, wine of fine bouquet and try national pastry - platzinda.
A thematic zone of Turkmenistan was dedicated to the graceful Akhalteke horse - one of the symbols of the country. And, of course, it was impossible not to look at Turkmen jewellery, which, in addition to the exhibition in the location, complemented the images of elegant dancers who performed Turkmen folk dances.
Hospitable Uzbekistan traditionally treated guests to a delicious pilaf. And in a cosy area created in style of a national Uzbek house, one could enjoy unique suzane, utensils, household and clothing items.
Continuing the journey through the countries of Central Asia, we leave for Tajikistan. Dresses with incredible embroidery, exquisite dishes, tubeteikas (skullcaps), traditional products - all these adorned the Tajik stand. And how incredibly delicious were the local dishes!
National textiles, dishes and even traditional musical instruments created the atmosphere of a cosy Kazakh yurt in the location representing this state. So admired by our guests chak-chak and baursaks helped sweeten the mood. In the concert program the musical performance in Kazakh language was presented to the guests by Merited Singer of Ukraine Inesh Kdyrova.
The zone of the UAE fascinated by the spirit of the mysterious East. The incense, flowing spill overs of fabrics, exquisite decorations opened the veil of mystery and for a time moved the guests to this fascinating country.
Without a visa and a plane ticket on our festival could be located in any corner of the planet. Mysterious Indonesia has devoted itself to fantastic masks, statues of amazing birds and delicate melodies of national instruments. And how many delights was prepared by the embassy, here is a traditional chicken shish kebab, and rice chips, seasoned with local spices, as well as Indonesian sweets.
The island of hot Africa in autumn Kyiv settled in the location of Sudan. Guests were welcomed by hospitable Sudanese in national dresses, handicrafts made of leather, herbs and clay, as well as drinks abre and aradeb, which you cannot easily cook yourself, perfectly combined with the national sweet basbus.
It was impossible to pass by the flying saris, paints of holi, flower garlands decorating figures of Hindu gods featured by the area of India. Each guest could have pained a symbolic point of bindi and a mehendi pattern in the palm of hand. A striking addition were fascinating dances on stage.
Have you ever tried real mate tea? If you were a guest of our festival, then, of course, yes! A master class on making a drink with further tasting was prepared by Argentine diplomats in the thematic zone of their state. From the stage, the energetic spirit of the Latin American country was lit by dancers performing a passionate tango.
To learn how your name is written in Armenian, was possible in the location of this state. Representatives of the diaspora created a eye-catching authentic zone, where they treated with sweets and told about their culture.
But even this is not all. For the most inquisitive and eager to discover the world, the Museum of Diversity was created, where Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Hungary, Kyrgyzstan, Australia, Korea, Iraq, Montenegro, the countries of the African continent, Romania, Lebanon, Malaysia presented their national treasures - paintings, handicrafts, costumes, ornaments, musical instruments and even food.
And to contemplate all cultures, to try, to learn new things, one could while enjoying melodies, national songs and dances, which were presented in an uninterrupted four-hour concert!
We are infinitely grateful to all of you - our guests - for sharing this holiday with us! We express special gratitude to all embassies-participants, diasporas, performers, craft artists, volunteers. Without you, this holiday would not be so bright and memorable.
Once again we thank our co-organizer the Kyiv City Council for assistance and support, as well as our partners: shopping mall "Epicenter", Industrial and Construction Group "Kovalska", Construction company "Liko-Holding", GIDIP, Volunteer organization "Global Youth", Kyiv Youth Centre.
We are sure that this holiday and everyone who joined it, contributed to a great cause, working for the sake of maintaining friendly relations between countries and peoples, tolerance and mutual respect!
We are waiting for you at our next events! In the meantime, enjoy the new photo selection!