Embassies of Nine Countries Largely Celebrate International Day of NOWRUZ in Kyiv

Nowruz Bairam is “the new day” that is celebrated on March 21 on the day of vernal equinox, it symbolizes time of vivification and renewal of nature, red-letter day for reconciliation and purification, festival of wisdom that calls us to solidarity, unity, tolerance and forgiveness; high day of expectations and hopes for peace among people, rich harvest, love and accord, health and happiness!
On March 19, 2010 on the 64th session of the UN General Assembly the International Day of Nowruz Resolution was adopted. According to the Resolution the General Assembly “Encourages Member States to make efforts to raise awareness about Nowruz and to organize annual events in commemoration of this festivity, as appropriate”.
This year in our capital the solemn event took place with participation from 9 Embassies of foreign states in Ukraine: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Iraq, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkey and Republic of Uzbekistan.
Dean of the diplomatic corps, Ambassador of Belarus to Ukraine Valentin Velichko, delivered salutary speech. On behalf of co-organizing countries salutary word was delivered by Ambassador of Turkmenistan to Ukraine Nurberdi Amanmyradov, he was joined by heads of foreign missions of Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey and Uzbekistan. In nine different languages of their native countries diplomats congratulated guests on the spring fest and emphasized how important holding of such events is!
This year the event was attended by over a thousand guests, among them representatives of international organizations, Verkhovna Rada members, representatives of Ministries, public figures, mass media employees, representatives of expatriate communities, national minorities, nongovernmental organizations and heads of diplomatic missions of Bulgaria, Cuba, Georgia, India, Japan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macedonia, Moldova, Morocco, Romania, Slovenia, Syria, Palestine, Vietnam and others.
Within the framework of the fest, public had a chance to enjoy a gala concert. Creative program was opened by Kalynovyi Hai band, its performance was organized by Directorate-General for Renderring Services to Diplomatic Missions (GDIP). Guests also listened to singing routines by People’s Artist of Ukraine Qurban Abbasov (Embassy of Azerbaijan in Ukraine); two-time winner of the First Prize of Whole-Ukrainian contest Jazz Debut, Leila Khuder (Embassy of Iraq in Ukraine); Distinguished Artist of Ukraine Inesh Kdyrova and A 6 show ballet (Embassy of Kazakhstan in Ukraine); Irita Zhyideyeva (Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in Ukraine), winner of international contests Khafiz Sidik Darbori (Embassy of Tajikistan in Ukraine), MAKAM band (Embassy of Turkey in Ukraine), Gozeller student band (Embassy of Turkmanistan in Ukraine). Guests also learned about dancing traditions of countries through performances of Aria crew (Embassy of Afghanistan in Ukraine) and folk dance crew Rostok, art director Lola Verlan (Embassy of Uzbekistan in Ukraine).
Alongside artistic program guests were able to get acquainted with culture and authenticity of countries-orchestrators of NOWRUZ in Ukraine through topical display stand arranged by representatives of Embassies. Household items, folk art works, national clothes elements, accessories and many other things were exhibited on decorated locations. In their areas orchestrators of the event treated guests with national cuisine dishes of their countries. Visitors had an opportunity to try various kinds of pilaf, Eastern delights, drinks, dried fruits and other tasty traditional food.