The USA: useful tips

Privacy is everywhere
This is the so-called "personal space" which is similar to concept of freedom for the Americans. At first glance, the inhabitants of the United States are the most sociable and smiling people, but it is politeness only. When it comes to something personal, no one will share any experiences or listen to someone else, if only we are not talking about paid relationships "psychologist-patient". It is just not a custom to talk about your problems, such talks may be even considered as rude, although the traditional question "how are you?" sounds everywhere, and eventually you can break away and start talking about what is bothering you. On top of that, the physical space is no less important than mental personal space. All kinds of blocks, numerous doors, desks and many other amenities of daily life, have been created specifically to avoid queues and contacts.
Make way for indigenous people
According to the latest estimates, today the United States is home to no more than five million of not assimilated Indians. This is, certainly, very little for three hundred million state, so both the Americans, and the legislative power provide support to them. The indigenous people, despite of their isolation and aloof manner, receive smiles and courteous treatment in every possible way, like holding the door, letting through queue, helping to deal with urban navigation. Municipalities pay a monthly social assistance to them, about one thousand dollars per person. The Americans believe that every citizen of the country is guilty for mistreating the Indians back in past, so you should try to make amends to them with at least little things.
Rule of eighteen
Even Western Europeans, who consider themselves to be "advanced" in terms of relations within the family, are surprised by the fact that in America when a child turns eighteen, parents give their offspring not a gentle hint that it is time to move out. It is not accepted when several generations live under one roof, so even not wealthy parents find some money to "relocate" their child and help him/her with rent at first. Then, being adults, youngsters have to make their living independently. Largely because of this, young men grow into independent and self-confident people, and the American dream is not only a comfortable house, a nice car, and a barbecue on the weekends in the backyard, but a successful self-made man.
Legislation is to blame
The American laws deserve special attention, or rather, the fact that in every state they greatly differ from each other. Therefore, we cannot sum-up them, and it is strongly recommended to study the current legislation of the state where you are heading in order to facilitate your journey. For instance, in a patriarchal and traditional Texas teenagers are forbidden to wear provocative hair styles, but in Tennessee it is banned to sell... hollow wood. It is often a mystery even to the Americans, what the people in power are guided by when taking those decisions.
To invite guests, does not mean to wait for them to come
When talking at work, random meetings, or simply over phone calls, the Americans often invite each other to come round for coffee. In most cases, this is done out of courtesy, so do not count it seriously. Even close friends visit each other’s homes one in a while, preferring it to gatherings in pubs or cafes, which in America are designed to suit every pocket, since "my house is my fortress". It is another thing, if you are invited in writing. In such a case, you are supposed to reply exactly the same way, depending on whether it is email or hard letter. If guest agrees, then he/she takes on certain obligations, to break them means to hurt badly the host. That is why the Americans, when have decided to gather friends at their house even just to watch basketball and talk, try to notify in advance so that potential guests could weigh the "pros" and "cons", check thoroughly their schedules and come up with a precise answer.
To see human in woman
No wonder they say that feminism and American citizenship are almost the same. It is in this country, where women first began to fight for their rights, and now they are the same successful as men. For the most part, the American ladies demand to themselves the same attitude as to a stronger sex, so these small courtesies, as an attempt to give a hand to an unfamiliar lady when she is stepping out of a bus, or to hold the door, can be perceived as a personal insult, or even sexual harassment. Therefore, at work, when a man comes into the office and shakes hands with male co-workers, if there is a woman, he has to shake hands with her. If man and woman go on a date, each pays his/her bill. Moreover, according to the girls, if a young man insists on paying her bill, in their understanding, he hits on her, which is unacceptable, especially if it is the first date.