In the next project Diplomatic Greetings, organized by OUTLOOK and GDIP involved Ambassadors of Georgia and Uzbekistan

This time Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to Ukraine Gela Dumbadze and Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Uzbekistan Alisher Abdualyev became the participants of the event.
Credible lectures for guests were given by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Georgia to Ukraine Gela Dumbadze and General Director of GP "GDIP" Pavlo Krivonos.
In addition, Daria Karyakina, the CEO of the OUTLOOK project, told students about the basics of organization of events in the area of cultural diplomacy, and the head of the advertising and publishing department GDIP Inna Khomenskaya presented cultural diplomacy as an instrument of work within the GDIP.
After the lecture, all students had a unique opportunity to visit the Embassy of Uzbekistan in
Mr. Ambassador Alisher Abdualyev told about the history of the embassy building, the interior decoration and showed his own office.
After an exciting excursion, each guest talked with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of
In May 2016, OUTLOOK launched the Diplomatic Greetings project. Initially it was planned to send it to the acquaintance of students - future cultural scientists, diplomats, philologists - with the peculiarities of cultures and traditions of different countries with the support of foreign diplomatic missions. The increased interest of Ukrainians in our activities and activities led OUTLOOK to the idea to make the project accessible to a wider audience.